3 Ways to Remove a Broken Key From the Lock
Breaking the key trying to open or close a door is a rather unpleasant experience; many people in such cases usually have the habit of looking for a locksmith. But not everyone knows that they can extract the broken key from the lock with their own hands.
5-Minute Crafts will show you how to do it.
1. Use a clip.

You will need:
1 metallic clip

- Disassemble the clip so that one end is straight and long enough.
- With the help of the pliers, bend the end of the paper clip into a hook.
- Push the end of the paperclip with the hook upside down toward the top.
- When you reach the bottom, hook the end of the key and carefully pull it out.
2. Use a hot glue stick.

You will need:
1 hot glue stick
1 lighter
Adhesive tape

Cover the lock with the adhesive tape, leaving the groove area uncovered.
Heat one end of the hot glue stick with the help of a lighter.
Apply the hot glue to the lock by pressing the stick against the groove. Allow it to dry.
- Carefully pull the hot glue stick to remove the key.
3. Use a pen spring.

You will need:
- 1 pen with a spring

Remove the spring from the pen.
Narrow the spring with the help of a pair of pliers.
With medium, abrupt movements, insert the spiral into the lock from the top.
- When the spring has reached the bottom, pull carefully to remove the key.