8 Easy-to-Make, Affordable, and Very Fun Craft Toys
Today, we’ll show you some smart parenting life hacks that will save you time and make your life easier. We’ve got you covered with amazing ideas that will transform your parenting experience, from keeping your child busy and entertained with these magically crafted toys. Whether you’re a new parent or a seasoned pro, these crafts are for you!
1. Magic cloud

You will need:
- Ziplock plastic bag
- Marker
- Hair gel
- Cotton
How to do it:
- Draw the outline of the cloud on one of the outer faces of the ziplock plastic bag.
- Fill the bag with hair gel and then insert the cotton.
- Seal the bag and mix the cotton well with the hair gel.
2. Ice Hockey

You will need:
- Plastic tray
- Pipe cleaners
- Water
- Popsicle sticks
- Small plastic cap
How to do it:
- Attach the pipe cleaners to the plastic tray to recreate a hockey field.
- Pour water into the tray and freeze.
- While the water solidifies, craft a goal using the pipe cleaners and two hockey sticks using the popsicle sticks.
- Once the water is frozen, place the goals in position and place the puck (the plastic cap) on the rink to start the game.
3. Blow-powered airplane

You will need:
- Straw
- Cardboard
- Glue
How to do it:
- Cut a triangle from cardboard and place the straw along one of its edges.
- Start rolling the cardboard around the straw and glue the final edge to prevent it from unraveling.
- Create a small cardboard cone and a triangle.
- Attach the cone to one of the corners of the straw tube, and the triangle vertically along the length of the tube.
4. Touch and Win

You will need:
- Colored cardboards
- Adhesive paper
How to do it:
- Cut a circle from the cardboard and the silhouette of a hand.
- Glue the hand in the center of the circle and cover it with the adhesive paper.
- We will place one of these signs on the wall in areas of the house, where we need our children to remain calm. Indicating that by placing their hand on them until the adult indicates they can remove it, they will earn points.
5. Balloon Tennis

You will need:
- Chopsticks or skewer sticks
- Disposable plates
- Hot glue gun
- Balloon
How to do it:
- Attach a disposable plate to the end of each stick using the hot glue gun.
- Make as many “rackets” as there are players.
- Allow them to dry thoroughly before starting to play.
6. Mega Painting Studio

You will need:
- Cardboard box
- Adhesive tape
- Paints
How to do it:
- Get a large cardboard box.
- Disassemble it and connect the separate pieces with adhesive tape on the outer side.
- Place it upside down on the floor, with the adhesive tape and any print it has facing down, and arrange all the paints within reach of the artist, so they can start creating.
7. Bussy Board

You will need:
- Cardboard or wood
- Anything you find interesting for your kids based on their age
How to do it:
- Plan which activities you’ll include and how you’ll arrange them on the busy board.
- Once you have a clear plan, start attaching them one by one.
- Make sure everything is securely fastened and safe before using and handling.
8. Stress relief balloon

You will need:
- Balloons
- Glitter
- Water
- Ribbon
How to do it:
- The first step is to cut a few holes in one balloon and then insert another whole balloon inside.
- Using a funnel or a paper cone, pour glitter into the balloons and then add water.
- Tie the necks of the balloons together, as if they were one, and decorate with a ribbon over the knot.
Check out more smart parenting crafts and hacks
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