How to Make a DIY Car Game to Take Your Kids on a Ride Wherever They Want
We have prepared for you a showcasing step-by-step guide to creating a handmade car-themed game. In this tutorial, we’ll walk you through the process of crafting a unique and entertaining car game that will surely captivate players of all ages. Get ready to embark on a creative journey and learn how to assemble this fun and interactive piece of DIY entertainment.
Materials needed

- Shoebox
- Kitchen paper rolls
- Plastic bottle caps
- Chopsticks
- Glue
- Vinyl paper
- Vinyl markers
- Transparent paper
- Cardboard
- Scissors
1. Mark the circumference of the edges of the roll on a piece of cardboard, cut it out, make a hole in the center, glue them to both edges of the roll, and insert a chopstick through the holes

2. Create another piece exactly the same and insert both into a rectangular piece of cardboard

3. Cut another rectangular piece identical to the previous one and insert the opposite end of the rolls into it

4. Prepare two rectangular pieces similar to the one in the image and place the entire structure created earlier inside the shoebox

5. Place the two small rectangular pieces in the center of the empty space between the shoebox and the previously created structure

6. Punch holes in the plastic bottle caps at their centers and thread them with chopsticks, positioning them in the structure as shown in the image

7. Cut a piece of vinyl paper long enough to wrap horizontally around the structure, place it, and glue one end to the other to close it in a circular shape

8. Use vinyl markers to draw a road or pathway on the vinyl paper

9. Draw and cut out a car and attach it to a strip of transparent paper, which, like the vinyl paper, will wrap around the entire structure, but in this case, vertically

10. Create a hole in the shoebox lid to comfortably rotate the plastic bottle caps

11. By moving the central bottle caps up and down, the car will move up and down, and by moving the side bottle caps, the road, or pathway, will move horizontally

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