How to Make Fake Snow: 6 Ways
If you’re living somewhere where the winter doesn’t come with a lot of snow and your children are constantly asking when you’ll make a snowman together, then it’s good to know how to make artificial snow, which is both an indoor treat and sensory play for anyone.
5-Minute Crafts will show you how to make fake snow in 6 ways; with a diaper, hair conditioner, shaving foam, cornstarch, baking soda, and instant snow.
Way 1: using a diaper

What you’ll need:
- A diaper
- Scissors
- Water
- A large, deep container

How to do it:
Step 1. Cut the diaper from the bottom. Once you see the white fluffy material inside the diaper, then carefully take it out and put it into the container.

Step 2. Slowly pour water onto the white material that will get bigger and mushier as you add water.
Note: The sodium polyacrylate polymer inside the diapers expands and grows bigger as soon as it comes into contact with water.

Step 3. Use your hands and play with the fluffy white material. Now that your fake snow is ready, you can surely add some toys to the container to create a winter-like atmosphere.
Way 2: using hair conditioner

What you’ll need:
- 2 1/2 cups of baking soda
- 1/2 a cup of white hair conditioner
- A large bowl

How to do it:
Mix the ingredients in the bowl and stir it until the baking soda is blended well with the hair conditioner. That’s it — your fake snow is ready! Tip: You can add more baking soda to have less wet fake snow.
Note: It’s really handy that you can store your fake snow in an airtight container or zip lock bags for 5 days.
Way 3: using shaving foam

What you’ll need:
- Shaving foam
- Baking soda
- A large container

How to do it:
Add 1 cup of baking soda and some shaving foam to the container, then mix them all together. Also, you can add more shaving cream until you eventually achieve the snow-like mixture. If you want more fake snow, go ahead and add more soda and foam to your container. Your fake snow is ready!
Way 4: using cornstarch

What you’ll need:
- 1 bag of cornstarch (nearly 454 g ~16 oz)
- 1 cup of hair conditioner
- A large container

How to do it:
Add the ingredients of 1 bag of cornstarch, nearly 16 ounces, and 1 cup of conditioner together. Then mix them well. Also note that if your mixture is feeling sticky, you can go ahead and add more cornstarch. Or if it’s too dry, you can add more conditioner.
Way 5: using baking soda

What you’ll need:
- Baking soda
- Water
- A large bowl

How to do it:
Step 1. Keep the baking soda in the freezer, either for one night or a couple of hours before the experiment according to your liking and how cold you want your fake snow to be.
Step 2. Go ahead and mix 3-4 cups of baking soda with very cold water in the container. The amount of water can be decided according to your preferred snow consistency. More water turns the fake snow slushy, whereas powdery snow is achieved with less water. Tip: You can also add some salt if you want grainy, textured snow.
Way 6: using instant snow

What you’ll need:
- Instant snow
- Water
- 2 cups

How to do it:
Grab one of your mixing cups and add 1 teaspoon of instant snow into it. Then take the second cup and fill it up with nearly 2 oz (59 ml) of water at room temperature. Carefully and quickly pour the water into the instant snow powder. Your fluffy snow will form immediately, and you can now play with it!
Note: Instant snow is reusable, meaning you can re-use it after drying it out completely.