5-Minute Crafts
5-Minute Crafts

How to Make Paste: 3 Ways

If you like making crafts, you know that adhesive material is the main ingredient to glue paper or cardboard. You can actually make it yourself, giving you an organic and chemical-free product.

5-Minute Crafts offers you some methods to make paste quickly and easily using different elements we likely already have at home.

Method 1: flour + water (uncooked)

What you’ll need:

  • 1 cup of flour
  • ½ cup of water
  • 1 tsp of salt
  • A big bowl


1. In a small bowl, pour the flour and add the water, little by little. This will make a thick paste. If you want the paste to be more compact, add less water. On the contrary, if you need more liquid glue, add more water.

2. Add the salt to your preparation and mix it thoroughly. This ingredient is very important, as it helps prevent the formation of mold.

3. You can keep it for a week in a plastic container or in an airtight vessel. Make sure it is sealed and free of air so that it doesn’t solidify.

Method 2: flour + water

What you’ll need:

  • ½ cup of flour
  • 1 cup of water


1. In a glass bowl, prepare the mixture. Put in the flour first, then pour the water in, little by little. It shouldn’t be too thick or too liquidy. If you need more paste, add twice as much flour and water. If you want a smaller amount, use half of the ingredients.

2. Take the preparation to a medium saucepan and place it on the stove over medium heat until it boils. Meanwhile, stir the pasta constantly to prevent it from sticking to the pot. Let it cook until bubbles form. Then remove it from the heat and wait for it to cool before using it.

3. Once the paste has cooled, you can apply it to your crafts with a brush or your fingertips. This paste will be useful for gluing papers and decorations, such as cards and children’s projects. You can even add a few drops of vegetable coloring.

4. When you have finished using it, you can store it in the refrigerator in an airtight container. The paste will last for 1 to 2 weeks. If you notice that it’s dried out, add a little warm water before using it again.

Method 3: corn starch + corn syrup

What you’ll need:

  • ¾ cup of cold water
  • 2 tbsp of cornstarch
  • 2 tbsp of corn syrup
  • 1 tsp of white vinegar


1. In a small saucepan, mix half the water, vinegar, and corn syrup. Bring it to the stove and maintain its temperature at medium heat. Bring the liquid to a full boil.

2. While the contents of the pot are boiling, mix the other half of the water with the cornstarch separately and combine them with a spoon.

3. When the water is boiling, gradually add the starch paste, stirring it with a wooden spoon until the mixture boils. Do not let it boil for more than a couple of minutes, as it could burn.

4. Remove it from the hot stove and place it on a rack to cool. Then pour into an airtight container and store in the refrigerator for up to 4 weeks.

5. Enjoy your homemade paste!

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