Incredible Miniature Home: How to Create a Cozy Room in a Walnut Shell
A miniature room inside a walnut shell? Can you imagine that? Fully equipped with furniture, decor, and useful household items. This small art creation is called miniaturism, and it’s as beautiful as it is surprising. Keep reading to learn step by step how you can create it yourself.
1. Open the walnut shell carefully to avoid breaking its outer shell
2. Gently remove the walnut from inside
3. Clean the shell from any remaining walnut debris or other residues
4. Carefully sand the interior to make it smooth and even
5. Also, sand the edges to eliminate any roughness or imperfections that might remain
6. Make sure to remove all dust residues before you begin working on the interior decoration
7. Trace the size of the shell onto a piece of paper to create a bottom base
8. Next, by cutting a piece to fit the interior area of the shell, we will create the floor
9. Carefully place the floor in position and secure it with glue
10. Each side of the shell can feature a distinct design
11. By using a small drill, you can create some windows
12. Now it’s time to be creative and start furnishing
13. Using cut and folded colored cardstock, we can create books
14. By cutting a popsicle stick into small planks, we can craft a staircase
15. With a bead and a few leaves, we can form a plant
16. We can also incorporate moss or synthetic grass into our decoration
17. Finally, let’s connect both shells with a hinge
18. And this is the ultimate outcome!
Check out the video for all the details and more miniature ideas to decor your new mini-home
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