10 Extraordinary Food Delicacies From Different Countries
During their travel, a real gourmand doesn’t simply make a list of major attractions. They also take notes on the delicacies worth trying. This is a great way to fully immerse yourself in the local culture. However, some dishes may arouse perplexity, disgust, and even fear. Not everyone dares to try them. However, these foods can actually be really savory and tasty.
5-Minute Crafts gathered some odd-looking, smelling, and tasting dishes that are often cooked in the countries of their origin.
1. Sago worms
“Today for lunch, I ate 4 sago worms.” © foodsamaritan / Reddit
Sago worms are larvae eaten as a delicacy in the countries of Southeast Asia. Several tribes regard them as a full-fledged high-nutrient meal. It is a valuable resource of food for some nations in the region. People eat sago worms either roasted or raw.
Countries of origin: Southeast Asian countries
Taste description: It’s creamy without processing, and after being cooked, it tastes like bacon.
2. Century egg
“I ate a pidan/century egg.” © FirstCheese / Reddit
These eggs look like ancient artifacts. It actually doesn’t take a hundred years to cook them. Mass production of century eggs takes less than 2 weeks. High-quality eggs are cured for 3 months, covered in earth, ash, salt, and slaked lime. The egg yolk changes its color to green, gray, and yellow hues. The white of the egg can range in color from translucent amber to black.
Country of origin: China
Taste description: Its savory, compound, and rich taste resembles blue cheese, and it can have an ammonia-like hint.
3. Bird nest soup
The bird’s nest soup is a traditional Chinese dish known for over 1,000 years. The nests are rich in protein and have high nutritional value. They contain the saliva of swiftlets, which are cave-dwelling birds, and are believed to help fight cancer, improve concentration, and fight against aging. The nests are boiled to create a gelatinous mass and are put in soups, rice, and other dishes.
Country of origin: China
Taste description: The birds making these nests eat mostly sea fish. Their saliva gives the nests a salty and pickled taste.
4. Escamoles
“I ate escamoles!” © FormosaScott / Reddit
Escamoles are cooked ant larvae. It is an ancient Mexican dish known since the time of the Aztecs. It is made with light-colored eggs of the ants gathered from maguey plants. They are pan-fried with spices and butter and resemble pine nuts or the kernels of corn. Sometimes escamoles are added to omelets and tacos.
Country of origin: Mexico
Taste description: a subtle nutty taste
5. Casu marzu

The name of this cheese literally means “rotten cheese.” Casu marzu is made from sheep’s milk. It is left to decompose after fermentation. Achieving that requires the introduction of cheese fly larvae. They are placed into the product through several incisions, then they begin eating it and defecating. Their digestion makes the cheese soft and liquid. The insects should be alive at the time the cheese is eaten. If they don’t move, then the cheese has become poisonous.
Countries of origin: Italy and France
Taste description: pungent
6. Surströmming
The name of this delicacy literally means “sour herring.” It is a traditional Swedish dish with a striking smell resembling a mix of sewage and rotten eggs. That is the reason it is usually eaten outdoors. Surstomming’s main ingredient is fermented herring. Since the middle ages, fermentation has been used as an alternative to curing with smoke or salt.
Country of origin: Sweden
Taste description: mildly briny yet sweet with strong acidity
7. Jing leed (fried crickets)
“I ate fried crickets.” © dogchasecat / Reddit
8. Haggis
Haggis is a pudding packed into a sheep’s stomach. The basic ingredients are the internal organs of sheep or another animal (heart, liver, lungs), oatmeal, mutton or beef suet, cayenne pepper, and onion. It is a traditional Scottish dish. The term “haggis” was first registered in the fifteenth century. However, its origin remains unknown.
Country of origin: Scotland
Taste description: This delicacy resembles a coarse crumbly sausage with hints of pepper.
9. Huitlacoche
“Huitlacoche quesadillas with blue corn tortillas” © F1ctici0usF0rce / Reddit
Huitlacoche comes with different names: fungus, corn smut, Mexican truffle, etc. It is actually a disease that effects the ears of corn. It grows around the kernels as a puffy, gray substance. Surprisingly, spoiled corn is considered a delicacy used in a variety of dishes. It can also be canned and sold in common grocery stores.
Country of origin: Mexico
Taste description: Various gourmands recognize the taste as sweet, woody, savory, mushroom-like, inky, earthy, or corn-like and smokey.
10. Anticuchos
“I ate anticuchos peruanos.” © Bewaretheicespiders / Reddit
The traditional version of anticuchos is made of marinated beef hearts. They are usually seasoned with aji panca, a type of chili pepper with a fruity and smokey taste, vinegar, cumin, and garlic. Anticuchos are often sold on the street. The hearts should be cooked briefly to preserve the unique texture of the meat.
Country of origin: Peru
Taste description: like beef with a slippery and dense consistency
Do you love food experiments or would you rather stick to your everyday menu? Share your thoughts in the comments!