How to Fry Fish
Fried fish is amazing: it cooks quickly and it’s very good for you. But to make it really tasty, you need to know a few secrets.
5-Minute Crafts offers 2 universal ways of cooking almost any fish in a frying pan.
Kitchen utensils

To fry fish, you need:
- a cutting board
- a knife
- a non-stick frying pan

fish (salmon, cod, hake, tilapia, trout, flounder)
wheat flour
oil for frying
How to cook

Peel the fish and cut it into steaks. The most important rule: all the pieces should be the same thickness to be fried equally.
If you are using frozen fish, it’s better to defrost it first for 30 minutes at room temperature.
Blot the fish with a paper towel to remove the excess water.
Salt the fish in advance and put it aside for 10 minutes. The salt will soak into the pieces deeper and you can use pretty much any salt you like.

Next step — decide if you want to use batter. You can make great fish with or without batter. We’ll show you both options.
If you decide to use batter, put the flour onto a deep plate, and cover the fish pieces with the flour.
If you are not planning to use batter, you can skip this step.

Put some oil in the frying pan. There should be enough oil for the fish to fry fast and well.
Heat the frying pan up to an average temperature. Don’t let the oil make smoke: it could be bad for your health.

Put the fish in a warm pan.
Fry the pieces for 3-4 minutes on each side. If the pieces are thinner than ours, you’ll only need around 2-3 minutes.

Don’t turn the pieces until they are fried on one side. If you do, there is a risk they will fall apart.
Once the fish gets dark on both sides, you can take the pieces out of the oil.

Fried fish has to be served hot, right after it’s cooked.
As side dishes, you can use potatoes, rice, quinoa, or just lemon pieces.
Fish can also be sprinkled with lemon juice, if you want.