6 Ways to Style Your Hair Fast
To save us time and to make sure that we always look fresh and stylish, we need some tips and tricks on how to style our hair. That’s why 5-Minute Crafts decided to share with you some super easy hairstyles and haircut tips that you’ll be able to do in about 5 minutes, maybe even less.
1. How to make simple curls without professional equipment.
What you need:
- Empty toilet paper rolls
- Hair pins
How to do it:
- Take an empty toilet paper roll and a piece of hair. Start rolling the hair.
- Roll the hair until your reach the top.
- Place hair pins to secure it.
- Repeat until you have done all of your hair.
5. Roll out the toilet paper rolls, and then, if you want, you can add some accessories.
2. Make curls with a sieve.
What you need:
- Strainer
- Blow dryer
How to do it:
- Start with wet hair.
- Take a sieve.
- Put a section of your hair in it.
- Blow-dry the hair through the sieve until dry. Repeat with the rest of the hair.
- Now you have a quick curly hairstyle.
3. Quick and easy hairdo
What you need:
- A thin stick
- Rubber band
- Some hair accessories
How to do it:
- Put your hair in a ponytail and place a stick just behind the band, so it stays secure.
- From one side of the ponytail, take some of your hair and bring it to the other side by placing it around the stick.
- Repeat this a few times from the left and right sides of the ponytail.
- Take the ends, pull them lightly down and tie them into a ponytail.
- Remove the stick and slowly release the hair while tucking the leftovers inside and under the hairdo.
- Decorate with a few hair accessories.
Note: You can make a braid with the excess hair to give the hairdo some volume when tucking it under.
4. Give your hair a fresh look in 5 minutes.
What you need:
- 3 hairbands
- Scissors
How to do it:
- Part your hair and tie them in a ponytail.
- Flip it to the back of your head.
- Take the rest of the hair from both sides and bring it forward. Tie it in a ponytail.
- Add another hairband nearly at the tip of the ponytail.
- Now cut the ends straight.
- Bring the hair forward that you took to the back of your head.
- Take both ends and use the previously cut hair as a guide to making the rest of the hair the same length.
8. Take a little bit of hair and place it over one finger keeping it steady and tight with the others.
9. With scissors cut literally just the tips of the hair that comes up.
5. How to put your hair in a strong and secure ponytail.
What you need:
- 2 hair clips
- 1 hairband
- Hairspray
How to do it:
- On a hairband, put two hair clips on the opposite sides.
- Apply some hair spray on the hairband.
- Next, take your hair high in a ponytail and put one clip inside the ponytail.
- Tie the hairband around the hair, and when you reach the first hair clip, tuck in the second while crossing it. Both clips should make an “X” inside the ponytail.
6. How to easily cut bangs.
What you need:
- Clear tape
- Scissors

How to do it:
- Put your hair in a ponytail. Brush the bangs straight down and place a piece of tape across them.
- Press gently so that all the hair sticks well.
- Now cut the bangs where you want. Remove the tape; you’re done.
You can practice and teach your daughter how to braid hair using a doll. Check out these doll ideas for inspiration!
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