How to Pick the Right Lip Piercing
Lip piercing is a part of rich culture and beauty, as well as status in some places for traditional or religious reasons. When adorned with piercings, your lips will be highlighted even more and, in return, give you a unique personal style. As with any other piercing, lip piercing has risks and rewards depending on whether you are interested in a sleek, simple, single lip piercing or if you’d like piercings on both lips.
5-Minute Crafts prepared this guideline to help you find the right piercing for you as well as some information about the pain level and healing time.
❗ Important: All the information represented in the article is for informative purposes only. Consult with a professional before choosing anything. If you experience any health issues with your piercing, it’s strongly recommended that you talk to a healthcare expert.
What lip piercing is

Lip piercing is an additional adornment on your body in your lip area and is done by puncturing the lips, the surrounding area, or the lip frenulum. The head of the piercing may be decorated with a piece of jewelry according to your liking.
Your lip piercing should be done by an experienced piercing artist in a licensed piercing shop. The artist sets up the area so that everything is sterile. Then, cleans and marks the piercing area with a surgical pen, and a common antiseptic. Then, the lips are stretched with piercing forceps/clamps. Though the process may be painful to some, it’s done quickly. A sterilized needle is passed through the marked spot, and suitable jewelry is inserted into the hole.
1. Monroe piercing

This piercing is named after the birthmark on the lower left cheek that the actress Marilyn Monroe sported. It’s placed above the upper lip toward the left side of the face. This is one of the most popular, charming, and dynamic piercing types.
2. Madonna piercing

Just the exact opposite of the Monroe piercing, a Madonna piercing is done above the upper lip, toward the right-hand side like the beauty spot of the famous singer. It highlights the lip area and attracts attention.
3. Medusa piercing

4. Labret piercing

This funky and popular piercing is inserted not on the lip, but just below the center of the lower lip. It is located in the exact opposite position of the Medusa piercing.
- Pain level: medium, ranking 4 out of 10 on the pain scale. Because the tissue around the lips is more sensitive than the skin in general, punctures may be relatively higher on the pain scale.
- Healing time: 3 to 6 weeks
5. Vertical labret piercing

This piercing is similar to the labret piercing but different in that it has 2 heads with one passing vertically from the lower lip and the other one coming out of the labret piercing area.
6. Ashley piercing

7. Jestrum piercing

This type is achieved in the exact opposite direction of the vertical labret piercing. The piercing goes into the center of the upper lip and exits out from its center.
8. Snake bites piercing

This type is a double piercing and mimics a snake bite. The piercings are located symmetrically under the lower lip on both sides.
9. Angel bites piercing

This double piercing is very similar to the snake bite but it’s done on each side of the upper lip. When combining Monroe and Madonna piercings, you can have an angel bites piercing.
10. Cyber bites piercing

When Medusa and labret piercings come together, a cyber bites piercing is formed. As such, one piercing is placed above in the philtrum space, and the other one sits under the lower lip in a straight line.