How to Take Off Fake Nails
Taking off your fake nails may seem difficult sometimes, but it can actually be really simple. 5-Minute Crafts will show you how to easily remove yours in under 3 minutes.

- A bottle of 100% acetone
- Hot water (from the tap)
- A Ziplock bag
Note: Nail biting is dangerous in any situation, even when you have fake nails. Don’t try to bite off your fake nails to remove them, as it can cause skin damage and increase the chance of infection.
If you want to remove your nails safely, we suggest the method below.
Step 1

Fill a large container with hot water. The water should be as hot as you can handle to touch.
Step 2

Pour a little bit of acetone into the Ziplock bag — just enough so that it covers all of your nails.
Step 3

Put the bag with acetone inside the container with water and soak your fingers in the acetone. Leave it for a couple of minutes.
Step 4

Wipe the tops of your fingernails with your other fingers. This will speed up the process of the nail removal.
Step 5

After all the nails come off, dip your fingers in the water inside of the container so that you remove any acetone. Now you’re done!