5-Minute Crafts
5-Minute Crafts

22 Easy Hygiene Tips Everyone Can Practice on Their Body and at Home

Nothing beats the feeling of a clean home and body. Imagine exiting the shower and no longer having to worry about how many things you’ve touched during the day, or how you have no idea what’s microscopically hiding on everything you touch. Many habits improve life, and hygiene can be a big one, so we compiled a list of them to easily insert into your daily life.

1. House and objects hygiene

  • Clean the inside of your fridge every month. Forgotten food and opened cans and bottles can grow an insane amount of bacteria and fungi that could be dangerous. Successful-Dish7466 / Reddit
  • If that happens, or you forget a load of laundry in the wash, add about 1/4 cup of white vinegar to the wash cycle. It gets rid of the mildew smell and doesn’t smell like vinegar. banannafreckle / Reddit
  • Clean every obscure surface in your house that your hands continually come into contact with. Scrub the underside of your toilet seat and lid. Deswizard / Reddit
  • Make sure your clothes get completely dry. You’ll smell like mildew otherwise. YakiVegas / Reddit
  • Clean your watch. Things are sitting against your grimy skin all day. Even the sports bands need a cleaning. Having 2 bands helps clean ones that need a soak. BagofEndlessHugs / Reddit
  • Close the toilet seat lid before you flush. AnonPlzzzzzz / Reddit
  • Make your home a shoe-free environment. I know some folks are concerned about their foot odor. Others feel that a door mat is sufficient for wiping one’s feet at the entryway. Keep in mind that if you’ve set foot into a public restroom, you’re basically tracking whatever you stepped on into your home. SiameseBouche / Reddit
  • Disinfect your phone regularly. Ideally, daily. rachelsingsopera / Reddit
  • Please clean your laptop or PC once in a while. A laptop might be easier because they don’t have ultra mega keys sticking out but still, it’s pretty gross. enzoxel / Reddit
  • The best laundry trick I ever learned was to buy more laundry baskets. I rarely put my clothes away, they just move from the clean basket —> dirty basket —> machine —> clean basket. It’s easier and keeps the clothes off the floor. b***yrockincowgirl / Reddit
  • Absolutely train your cats to not jump up on counters, but make sure you wipe down your surfaces before preparing food. Your cats will be up on those counters the moment you go to bed or leave for the day. They don’t care about what you have to say. Erulastiel / Reddit

2. Hygiene for the body

  • Deodorant is not meant to go on top of bad smells!! The bad smells come from bacteria. Shower first, then put deodorant on. It works by making your skin uninhabitable for bacteria. The nice scent is the cherry on top, the main benefit is preventing the bad smell from growing. very-polite-frog / Reddit
  • Wash behind your ears whether or not you have piercings. DO IT. Makepoodies / Reddit
  • Ear cheese. All piercings get this stuff, it’s a collection of dead skin cells, sebum, sweat, etc.
    Even if you have piercing holes whithout jewelry, if you squeeze the holes a bit of stuff will come out, and it will have a smell. Strickens / Reddit
  • Most bad breath comes from not cleaning your tongue, so even if you brush your teeth twice a day but don’t use a tongue scraper, your breath might still be bad. SDAPastor / Reddit
  • Cut your nails immediately after taking a hot shower. They become soft and very easy to manipulate. MegamanJB / Reddit
  • If you have bacne, lean your head forward to rinse your hair products off. When you lean your head backward, the hair products will go down your back and when you step out of the shower the product will leave residue on your back. IAintDeceasedYet / Reddit
  • Check the nostrils. Just check, make sure no boogies are hanging out, hanging around, and planning an escape. It sucks to be the person to have to tell you. Paddicakes / Reddit
  • Cutting out soda is probably one of the best things you can do for your dental health.
    SloppyNachoBros / Reddit
  • After you touch raw meat, always wash your hands before touching anything else. icecream_dragon / Reddit
  • After using the shower, apply some sort of lotion/oil back onto your skin. Your oil glands will sense that you removed all the old oil with soap and overcompensate. Using lotion tricks the oil glands into thinking you didn’t just remove all of your skin oils. the_groke_420 / Reddit
  • If you have thick hair, run your fingers through your hair after applying conditioner. It saves you from ripping a brush through it as it dries, causing split ends galore. Better yet, if you have thick hair, throw away your hairbrush and stick to a wide-toothed comb. PM-me-your-moogles / Reddit


Handwashing 101

One of the ways that colds get passed around is through touching infected places. For example, someone will sneeze in their hands and then open a door; if you go and open that same door, it’ll all stay on your hands and get passed on to your mouth and face if you touch them.

If everyone washed their hands thoroughly, it could reduce the likelihood of germs and viruses like these. While washing your hands might feel like an easy task, there’s actually a proper way to do it:

  • Get your hands wet.
  • Then add the soap.
  • Rub them together for at least 20 seconds and get into all the spots, wash your wrists, between fingers, and under your nails — if you have a nail brush and the time for it, use it to really get everything out of your nails.
  • Rinse with water and finish it off with a paper towel or hand dryer. If you’re in a public place, make sure to shut the faucet off with a paper towel.

Do you have any extra tips? Tell us in the comments. 🧐

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