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A Month-by-Month Pregnancy Guide

Being pregnant is a whole new experience and women experience different body changes and specific symptoms for a period of time that usually lasts over 9 months. Since bringing new life to the world can lead to many questions, it’s essential to be informed about this topic so that you can be ready when the time comes.

5-Minute Crafts has prepared this month-by-month guide to help you learn a bit more about the natural process of becoming a mother and its main characteristics.

❗Important: This article has been created for informative purposes only and does not replace professional advice. We advise you to consult your doctor to be aware of all the possible medical considerations during pregnancy.

Month 1 (Weeks 1 to 4)

During this month, you may find out about your pregnancy because of a missed period or a test, which could be the only sign you may get.

You may start to experience certain symptoms, like morning sickness, breast tenderness, fatigue, food sensitivity, and frequent urination.

✅ At your doctor’s appointment, they will perform several exams to assess your health, as well as prescribe folic acid and prenatal vitamins. Remember to let them know about any medication that you’re already taking.

At this point, your baby measures about 0.1 to 0.2 millimeters and is scientifically known as a blastocyst. In the third week, your little one has developed their genetic material, and their gender is already defined.

💡 By week 4, your baby is roughly the same size as a poppy seed.

Month 2 (Weeks 5 to 8)

During the second month, your baby becomes a zygote, and the cells start forming a more human shape.

As your child develops, you may experience more severe food sensitivities, fatigue, and nausea, as well as moodiness while your hormone levels adapt to this transformation.

❗Keep in mind that, at this stage, you should start making some changes in your daily life if you haven’t done so already. For instance, to ensure your and your baby’s well-being, you should stop consuming caffeine, among other drinks. It’s essential to consult your doctor about other important considerations for a healthy lifestyle.

Your child is around 1 inch long. They have more human-like features as they have developed all their limbs, including hands and feet. Moreover, their heart is also beating and their eyes are still growing.

💡By week 8, your baby is almost the same size as a kidney bean.

Month 3 (Weeks 9 to 12)

You’re getting to the end of the first trimester as your body continues adapting to changes in your hormone levels. Moreover, your baby is entirely developed by the end of this stage.

During this month, your hip area may widen, your nausea may lessen, and you may start having some food cravings. However, food aversions and moodiness could continue but decrease by the end of this month. When visiting your doctor, you may be able to hear your child’s heartbeat.

💡It’s advisable to consult your caregiver for a special exercise plan to improve flexibility and strength since this may help you during labor.

Your baby is now a fetus and is about 2 to 4 inches long. By the end of the third month, all the organs are there, and fingernails have started to grow. Your child can move their limbs, although you will not be able to feel it yet.

💡By week 12, your baby is around the same size as a lime.

Month 4 (Weeks 13 to 16)

During this stage, hormone levels settle and your morning sickness starts to disappear, making you feel a lot better. At this stage, your belly is also more noticeable.

By the end of the fourth month, you may be able to feel your baby moving in your belly, which is often described as “bubbles” or “butterflies.” You start to feel normal again as your moodiness fades and your energy improves. You may experience heartburn as your uterus migrates up your abdomen during this period.

💡At this point of your pregnancy, it may be a good idea to start attending prenatal classes.

Your child is now 5 to 6 inches long and weighs about 4 ounces. Their heart and face are completely formed at this stage. Moreover, your baby will open their eyes very soon and start to feel the need to suck.

💡By week 16, your baby is almost the same size as an avocado.

Month 5 (Weeks 17 to 20)

During this month, most pregnant women increase their weight to the tune of somewhere between 5 to 15 pounds. Although you may feel a stronger appetite, you may also experience some fatigue as you put on more weight.

Some women can experience constipation, bloating, and other symptoms. It’s advisable to talk to a health professional to clear your doubts and concerns. At this point, it’s also possible that you face forgetfulness, also called “pregnancy brain.” At the same time, your belly button may bulge out.

✅ You may be able to find out your baby’s gender by getting an ultrasound during this stage.

Your baby is now between 6 to 9 inches long and weighs around 10 ounces. They’re covered with a thin layer of protective hair. During this month, your child will develop their fingerprints and teeth buds.

💡By week 20, your baby is almost the same length as a banana.

Month 6 (Weeks 21 to 24)

As your womb grows and your skin stretches, you may experience itchiness in your abdominal area. At the same time, you may face specific symptoms like bleeding gums, heartburn, leg cramps, and constipation.

During this month, you may also feel more tired. Therefore, it’s important to take a break and let your body rest whenever you feel like you need to do so.

❗At this point, you may gain around 1 pound per week, which can lead to protruding veins. Consult your doctor if you spot any of these types of veins in your body. Moreover, you should also let your caregiver know if you’re experiencing other symptoms, like headaches, swollen ankles, or nosebleeds.

At this point, your baby’s weight is over a pound and it is almost 10 inches long. You may feel your child moving in your belly. They’re now able to blink, and their vocal cords are working.

💡By week 24, your baby is almost the same length as an ear of corn.

Month 7 (Weeks 25 to 28)

The fetus now looks more like a baby, and you will be able to feel them moving a lot more. You may start planning your maternity leave and a birth plan at this point in your pregnancy.

You may experience cramps in your feet and hands, as well as some loosening in your joints as your body gets ready to give birth. At the same time, you may spot some stretch marks on your skin as it continues expanding.

💡Since you will be seeing your doctor more frequently at this stage, talk to them about important considerations regarding birth, like pain management, fetal monitoring, and breastfeeding. Keep in mind that all these plans can be adjusted during labor to ensure your and your baby’s well-being.

Your baby is around 12 inches long and is between 2 to 4 pounds. Fat has started to form under their skin, and they can now hear, see, and taste. Your child’s nervous system and brain are developing very fast.

💡By week 28, your baby is roughly the size of a large eggplant.

Month 8 (Weeks 29 to 32)

When you reach the eighth month, your baby will start growing rapidly. You may feel more anxious at this point and long to have your baby in your arms.

During this time, you may continue gaining around 1 pound per week. Moreover, you may start feeling more uncomfortable as your baby pushes on your rib cage or other places, and pelvic pressure could increase. Your doctor may request a second ultrasound to check the baby’s position and size. At the same time, you may experience more intense indigestion and heartburn.

Your child can be almost 12 inches or even longer, and around 5 pounds. Their brain and lungs are still developing, as well as other bodily systems. You may feel fewer movements as your baby has less space to stretch within the uterus. By the end of the eighth month, your little one may start to head down into the pelvic area.

💡By week 31, your baby is almost the same size as a coconut.

Month 9 (Weeks 33 to 36)

You may feel like you can breathe more easily as your baby goes down into your pelvic area and there is more room in your abdomen. This is also known as “lightening”.

You may feel more uncomfortable when sleeping. However, you might start experiencing a “nesting instinct,” in which you will want to get everything in your home ready for your baby’s arrival.

At this stage, your weight gain will be at its maximum point, with 35 pounds being the average gain. It’s even possible that you’ll lose a couple of pounds as you get closer to labor.

Your baby is now about 18 to 21 inches long and 6 to 8 pounds. Their lungs are still developing and will soon be fully grown. The protective layer of thin hair on their bodies is now being shed, and your child’s brain is growing at a rapid pace.

💡By week 35, your baby is almost the same size as a honeydew melon.

Month 10 (Weeks 37 to 40)

At this final stage, going into labor can happen at any time. Your baby may have changed positions to get ready for birth. You may feel more uncomfortable and may notice less movement as your baby has less room.

Your child is ready to meet you. They’re now 18 to 20 inches long and around 7 pounds.

💡By week 40, your baby is almost the same size as a small pumpkin.

Check out these pregnancy hacks for new moms and dads

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