5-Minute Crafts
5-Minute Crafts

How to Improve Memory

It’s likely that most people have experienced memory lapses from time to time. However, being unable to recall simple things, such as people’s names or where you left your keys, can be very frustrating. Fortunately, there are certain techniques to enhance your ability to remember things.

5-Minute Crafts will show you some easy ways to help you give your memory a boost.

❗ Important: This article is for informative purposes only. Ask for medical help if you’ve noticed that your memory is getting worse, or if you have difficulty carrying out your normal daily activities.

1. Excercise regularly.

Including physical activity in your routine can make your blood flow increase throughout your whole body, including your brain. This can help you keep your memory in good shape.

Experts recommend doing at least 150 minutes of moderate aerobic activity every week, such as fast-paced walking, or 75 minutes of intense activity a week, such as jogging. It’s advisable to spread these times throughout the week instead of doing long workout sessions at once. If you don’t have much time to exercise, take 10-minute walks during the day.

2. Take snapshots with your mind.

A sharp memory is linked to good learning, therefore, forming meaningful associations with new information as you learn it can help you improve your memory.

A good strategy for this is to take mental notes of situations. For example, when you want to remember something important, such as where you left your keys, use your mind to take a picture of them lying next to an object or in a specific place after putting them down.

3. Eat dark chocolate.

Research states that cocoa flavonoids in dark chocolate can improve brain function, including memory. These active compounds have been shown to boost the blood flow toward the brain, making people do better on spatial memory tests.

❗ Make sure to opt for dark chocolate with at least 72% cacao content and avoid products with added sugar, as the latter ingredient can do all the opposite. Also, don’t exceed 1 ounce (28.3 g) of dark chocolate a day.

4. Turn off bright screens before bedtime.

The blue light in digital devices, such as smartphones and TVs, can reduce the production of melatonin, having a negative impact on your sleep quality. All of this can subsequently affect your neurons, making it more difficult for them to access your memories and coordinate information.

So, in order to improve your memory, it’s recommended to avoid bright screens at least an hour before going to sleep.

5. Listen to music.

It’s been shown that performing music or simply listening to it can reactivate certain areas of the brain linked to memory, speech, and reasoning, among others. Therefore, music can help you to recover past memories. At the same time, classical music, in particular, can help you retain new information, as well as improve other brain functions.

6. Train your brain.

Regular mental workouts are very important for a healthy brain, which can lead to a positive impact on your memory. Moreover, it’s been proven that brain training activities can improve brain function.

Therefore, it’s advisable to take up stimulating exercises, such as the following:

  • Solve math problems in your head without using a piece of paper.
  • Memorize a list of objects or actions to see how many items you can remember later.
  • Learn a different language with activities that involve listening and enriching vocabulary.

7. Talk to other people.

An active social life can help you prevent stress and depression, which are linked to memory loss. Moreover, a strong support system is essential to keep your emotional and mental health in good shape.

So, it’s important to socialize regularly, either with family, friends, or other people. Keep in mind that if you don’t have much time to do it, a 10-minute conversation can be enough to improve your memory.

5-Minute Crafts/Health/How to Improve Memory
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