How to Stay Clean and Fresh on Your Period: 7 Tips
A lot of women lose self-confidence when they’re on their period. That is not surprising, as it’s not so easy to stay clean and smell nice when you’re bleeding for a few days. But there is a way out. Read on to find out how to have a fresh, healthy period.
❗ This article is for informational purposes only. It’s recommended you always consult a healthcare professional first.
1. Change your pads, tampons, or menstrual cups regularly.
Pads and tampons should be used once and then thrown away. Change your pad when it gets full or when you feel a leak or discomfort. Experts recommend changing a pad or tampon at least once every 4 to 8 hours. Remove and empty your menstrual cup every 4 to 12 hours.
Never wear a tampon or a menstrual cup longer than the time recommended. Leaving these care products in for too long can cause toxic shock syndrome, which is a rare but serious disease that involves fever, shock, and even organ damage.
2. Wipe from front to back after urinating.
3. Shower or bathe frequently.
Taking a shower or a bath during your period is a good way to prevent unwanted odors down there and reduce the risk of infection. Please ensure the bathtub is clean before taking a bath, as the immune system is more susceptible to viruses or bacteria during menstruation.
4. Don’t use special cleaning products.
A female’s internal reproductive organs are self-cleaning. They don’t require additional cleaning on the inside. Douching or using special cleaning products, like soaps and perfumed wash, can disrupt the delicate pH balance of this area. If this happens, you can develop infections and other health problems.
You can wash the external area with warm water and, if you wish to, use a gentle soap. But be careful using perfumed products on it — scented materials can cause skin irritation or inflammation.
Stop using scented tampons and pads. They may disrupt the natural, healthy flora of intimate areas.
5. Wear cotton underwear.

6. Try cloth pads.
7. See a doctor if you experience a sudden change in your period odor.
Remember that slight period odors are normal and not a cause for concern. Generally, smells during menstruation aren’t noticeable to others. But if you have a strong “fishy,” “rotten,” or other unpleasant odor from “down there” or experience unusual symptoms, visit your doctor.
Menstruation is a natural process. Don’t let it make you feel self-conscious. What tips do you use to stay fresh during your period?