5-Minute Crafts
5-Minute Crafts

How to Bring Plants Back to Life

Although we try our best to be good plant parents, these things can die for external reasons. However, there’s no need to worry as 5-Minute Crafts has listed 2 methods to help revive our favorite plants.

Aloe vera

This method works for all types of succulents.

Step 1

Remove the plant from the pot by flipping the pot over and giving it a few taps.

Step 2

Hold the plant and examine the roots. You’ll probably find that you’ll have to untangle them as they tend to go around and around into themselves. Roots that get intertwined are one of the most common reasons why your plant may feel unwell.

Step 3

Place it on top of some newspaper and loosen up the roots gently by running your fingers through the soil and allowing the roots to drop. Make sure to release the roots from the soil.

Note: If the soil is really dry, you can soak it in water for a few minutes to 1 hour.

Step 4

Cut about 2 inches off the tips of the roots to encourage more growth.

Step 5

Plant the aloe vera in new soil that consists of a combination of cactus potting mix, perlite, and a little bit of moisture control potting mixture. The plant is now ready to grow healthily.


The following method is good for several house plants, such as dracaena, monsteras, desert rose, ivy, etc. It’s important to pay attention to the fact that semi-hydroponics will be used for transplanting at the end. This means you’ll be growing plants in an inorganic medium instead of bark, peat moss, or soil. The plants will grow in LECA or clay aggregate, which is strong, light, very absorbent, and porous.

Step 1

Take the plant out of the pot and remove all the soil that’s attached to it until you have only the roots.

Step 2

Cut the spike of the plant right above the node. This will prevent your plant from dying since the node will stop bacteria and infections from progressing.

Step 3

Rinse off the roots with water so you can clearly see which ones are still viable and which ones aren’t. The ones that are bright green are viable and the papery ones with shades of beige are not.

Clip the nonviable roots and leave only the bright green ones.

Step 4

Take a black tea bag and mix it with distilled water. Wait for 5 minutes.

Step 5

Put the orchid in a bowl, pour the tea over the root system, and let it soak throughout the day. Remove it during the night so it dries out. This method intends to let the plant stay wet during the day and dry during the night to encourage growth.

You need to repeat the process for the next 3 to 4 days. After this, the leaves will become much more hydrated.

Note: Sometimes the orchids will take longer to get hydrated, so you might need to repeat the process for some weeks until you notice the leaves are stronger.

Step 6

Replant the orchid in semi-hydroponics and wait for its adaptation.

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