How to Tip in Different Countries
You have probably been in this situation when you were abroad: you got your bill at a restaurant, you are ready to pay, but you don’t know how to tip the waiter.
There are certain rules in every country. So, we at 5-Minute Crafts have prepared this article so that you already know how to tip waiters in different countries.

- France. Tips are not necessary but welcome. If there’s the word “service” in the bill, you don’t need to leave a tip because it’s already included. But you can still leave up to 10%.
- Poland. In this country, you don’t have to leave a tip. But if you show gratitude this way, people won’t take offense. Be careful: if you pay cash and say, “thank you,” the waiter might think you don’t need your change.
- Thailand. You are expected to leave a 10-15% tip. But not to street food vendors.

- Germany. No certain rules. If you like the service, you can leave 5-10%. Don’t be surprised when the sum is rounded up. For example, something costs €13 but you might end up paying €15.
- Turkey. Tips are necessary. They should be paid in cash only, usually 10% or more. The more, the better.
- Spain. Not widespread but small tips in small cafes are welcomed. However, service is usually included in the bill.

- The USA. Tips are necessary. Usually, the tips are about 20% of the bill.
- Mexico. Tipping is not necessary but welcome. It’s polite to leave 10-15% or even 20% if you really liked the service.
- Switzerland. Tipping is not necessary. You can round the number up and go.

- Great Britain. In restaurants, tips are usually from 10 to 15% of the bill. Some places include around 12% of the bill.
- China. Tipping is not widespread. Only elite restaurants might be exceptions but tips are not very high there.
- Egypt. Everyone expects you to give tips. Around 12% might already be included in the bill but it’s polite to leave an extra 10%.

- South Korea. Tips are not necessary. More than that, if you leave one, you might offend the waiter.
- Australia. Tips are almost never paid. If you want to thank the waiter, you can leave around 10%.
- Japan. Just like in South Korea, if you leave a tip, it might be taken as an offense.
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