5 Popular Dog Breeds That Are a Faithful Representation of Each of Your 5 Personality Traits
Human personalities are complicated subject matter — so much so that pioneering theories on the issue dealt with thousands of words to describe our personalities. A similar statement can be made about dogs and their personalities. While recent findings show that a dog’s breed will not exceptionally determine its personality, it will still account for a predisposition toward certain behavioral traits, which in turn can be compared to the way we behave as humans.
5-Minute Crafts has prepared a guide that outlines the taxonomy of the Big Five personality traits and associates each one of the traits with different breeds of the dogs that embody them. This will allow you to find out which breed of dog represents you better.
The Big Five personality traits

The Big Five personality traits is a widely accepted theory that puts forward the idea that there are 5 basic dimensions to a human’s personality, often referred to with the acronym OCEAN:
- Openness
- Conscientiousness
- Extraversion
- Agreeableness
- Neuroticism
An important part of this model that separates it from other trait theories is the fact that it puts individuals inside of a continuum for each one of the 5 traits. In other words, every personality possesses all of the 5 traits, but to varying extents.
A popular instrument to measure the 5 personality traits is by using the revised version of the NEO-PI personality inventory, which states that each of the broader 5 traits are defined by 6 facets, which provides further insight into what each trait encapsulates. There are also free alternatives to measure your 5 personality traits.
1. Openness — French Bulldog

If you score high in Openness, it’s because you welcome new things and experiences with open arms. People who score high in openness show a lot of creativity and curiosity toward the world and other people. They also tend to have a broad range of interests and take more risks when making decisions.
The 6 facets that define Openness are:
- Fantasy
- Aesthetics
- Feelings
- Actions
- Ideas
- Values
The description of Openness fits with the breed description of French Bulldogs. They’re a highly adaptable dog breed—they have no problems socializing with humans or other animals, and they will quickly adapt to living in the city. This also means that they won’t struggle whether they live with only one person or a family with children. French Bulldogs are known for being curious, playful, and very comedic. These traits are similar to the curious and creative disposition exhibited by individuals who rank high in Openness.
2. Conscientiousness — German Shepherd

People with a high Conscientiousness score are thoughtful and goal-oriented. They’re also characterized by being very orderly, most commonly seen in their organizational skills and the fact that they thrive with a schedule or routine they can stick to. In addition to this, conscientious people often exhibit a strong work ethic, wherein they show diligence and reliability. Conscientious people will seldom make decisions carelessly.
Conscientiousness is defined by the following facets:
- Competence
- Order
- Dutifulness
- Achievement striving
- Self-discipline
- Deliberation
Conscientious people are represented by German Shepherds. Much like people with a high Conscientiousness score, these dogs have an exceptional work ethic. They’re very obedient, which makes them excel at training and reacting to commands. German Shepherds are so dutiful that they are considered one of the best all-purpose workers when it comes to dog breeds. They’re also very active, meaning that they’ll need a routine that allows them to get copious amounts of exercise.
3. Extraversion — Golden Retriever

Extraversion—also known as extroversion—is a trait that can be seen in people who are sociable and friendly, oftentimes in an energetic fashion. Extroverted people are easy to recognize, due to how talkative and expressive they tend to be. Inversely, people who have a low Extraversion score will often have low energy in social contexts, as they prefer to be alone.
Somebody with a high score in Extroversion is likely to relate to its facets:
- Warmth
- Gregariousness
- Assertiveness
- Activity
- Excitement seeking
- Positive emotions
Golden Retrievers most closely resemble Extraversion as a trait. One of the personality traits that is most commonly associated with them is their friendliness, along with their joyous and outgoing disposition. Golden Retrievers are also notoriously playful yet gentle, which makes them the perfect companion for adults and children alike.
4. Agreeableness — Labrador Retriever

Agreeable people are notorious for their prosocial behavior, which means that they have an innate tendency to help others. If you have a high score in Agreeableness, you have developed social skills that can be put to use to the benefit of others as well as yourself, like being cooperating and comforting. Along with Conscientiousness, Agreeableness is the personality trait that correlates with empathy the most.
The facets that provide a further understanding of Agreeableness are:
- Trust
- Straightforwardness
- Altruism
- Compliance
- Modesty
- Tender-mindedness
The prosocial behavior, compliance, and altruism shown by Agreeable people match up with the description of a service dog. Among the breeds that are well equipped for this role, Labrador Retrievers are often at the top of the list. Labradors are smart, trainable, and eager to please, which allows them to stay on top of things when it comes to tending to their owner’s needs. Their size and their soft mouth are also traits that enhance their capabilities as service dogs, especially for mobility-impaired people.
5. Neuroticism — Border Collies

Neuroticism as a trait refers to both the physical and emotional response that a person has when facing stressful and potentially threatening situations in their lives. Using self-deprecating humor as a coping mechanism, experiencing anxiety, and struggling with mood disorders are a common occurrence for people with a high Neuroticism score. If you have a hard time relaxing and you tend to overthink the decisions that you make, it’s likely that you’ll have a high Neuroticism score.
The facets that define Neuroticism are:
- Anxiety
- Angry hostility
- Depression
- Self-consciousness
- Impulsiveness
- Vulnerability
While all dog breeds are susceptible to situational anxiety, some have a higher predisposition toward Neuroticism, as is the case with Border Collies. This breed is especially prone to separation anxiety, which may lead to destructive behavior. This is an impulsive response caused by their high energy levels and their instinctive prey drive. Their sensitivity and attentiveness can also make them fearful of their surroundings, which connects to the Neuroticism facet of vulnerability.
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