5-Minute Crafts
5-Minute Crafts

How to Feel Motivated and Keep Your Environment the Same

The reason why some people fail to achieve their goals and others, on the other hand, achieve them successfully lies in the ability of the latter to feel motivated and sustain this motivation over time. 5-Minute Crafts is giving you some keys and tips for you to reach this state and help your environment to achieve it as well.

How to get motivated

1. Write down your objectives.

When we make plans, it’s common to think that we’re actually going to manage to stick to them and everything will be just fine. But the truth is, if these plans are only in our minds and we don’t even discuss them with someone else, they’re likely to lose consistency and end up simply lost somewhere in our minds or forgotten under the rest of our daily obligations.

That’s why it’s recommended that you write down your objectives and gradually check off the goals you have achieved during a specific period of time. Doing that will increase your motivation and make you want to go for more.

2. Set possible goals and move forward, step by step.

When we’re enthusiastic about a new task that we’ve just discovered or an activity that we’ve just rolled into, we want to take it as far as possible, which is great. However, when we’re on that path, we sometimes set very idealistic goals or objectives. While being positive is always the most convenient, imagining a very perfect future can also harm us because if this is not fulfilled, we run the risk of getting frustrated and giving up.

It’s better if we’re realistic and go step by step in search of small achievements. These are easier to achieve. Little by little, we will be able to reach the highest goal.

3. Focus on one task at a time.

Socially, multitasking is well regarded, and surely we’ve taken pride in having our minds occupied in many different subjects. However, a divided mind is more easily scattered and disorganized than one focused on a single objective.

That’s why it’s a good idea to concentrate on one task at a time and abstract from the rest. If you find that it’s difficult to do so and you are overwhelmed by the number of activities, just pause and review your priorities.

4. Dare to step out of your comfort zone.

It’s true that when we spend a lot of time always doing the same thing, it can be in a job or simply in our daily routine — we can feel comfortable and confident — but it also happens that we know this task so well that we do it mechanically, “by heart.”

On the other hand, encouraging us to do something we have never done before stimulates our creativity. It “wakes us up” because it forces us to pay more attention.

Motivate other people to do things.

1. Try to find out what the goals, interests, and aspirations are of the people who surround you.

Whether the people you would like to see motivated are family, friends, or simply people from your work team, the first step in all cases is to make sure you can find out what their goals and aspirations are in general.

Besides the fact that this will always generate a positive effect, knowing the tastes and preferences of those around you allows you to motivate them in the right way. Not all people are enthusiastic about the same things.

2. Show that you can empathize with them in a positive way.

You’ve probably noticed this before, but it’s still worth keeping it in mind. Positive energy, much like negative energy, is contagious. So being upbeat is always a good option and a way to motive others. If it’s a team effort and you want the people you share your day with to feel motivated, remember that positive behavior is always more beneficial than punitive or negative behavior. Most often, modern approaches in the office have proved to work better in that sense.

3. Make everyone feel involved.

When it comes to a work team, the best thing to do is to make everyone feel involved in the day-to-day tasks. For this to happen, it’s very important to make sure that each of the people who are part of the team knows that they not only fulfill objectives because it is their obligation or duty, but that these were built within the group and that each of its members is responsible for its execution. In other words, it’s important for them to understand the real meaning of their responsibilities and actions instead of just following orders.

Therefore, holding meetings where everyone can express their opinion and it’s actually taken into account when developing new goals is key to keep the whole team motivated and moving in the same direction.

4. Celebrate every success.

Dividing a large task into small objectives allows us to achieve each of them more easily and we don’t run the risk of becoming frustrated and consequently demotivated. Setting concrete goals also allows us to achieve them more quickly.

In this sense, it’s very important to celebrate achievements by having the person or group that has achieved them experience each small victory.

5-Minute Crafts/Psychology/How to Feel Motivated and Keep Your Environment the Same
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