12 cool science tricks you can do at home
Science is often seen as an intricate web of complex theories and formulas, but here, we’re about to unlock the secrets behind a series of captivating science tricks that not only defy common sense but also leave your friends and family spellbound. So, get ready to explore the fascinating intersection of science and magic, as we guide you through a world where the impossible becomes possible with nothing more than a little knowledge and a lot of wonder
1. Draw a magic water heart, placing a spoon under a water spring and then passing your fingers around the spoon

2. This is a cool trick to reveal a secret message. Put the message in the bottom of a transparent container, fill it with orbeez balls and then, with water, for the text to appear

3. With this trick, you can print a heart in water! The best thing is that you can even transfer the heart from the water to a paper

4. Show everybody there’s a way to write on water with a pen. Take the core out, cut off the tip, and start drawing

5. Take a glass of water, put some cinnamon in it, but do not mix it. Then, try dipping your finger into the water. You will be shocked because your finger will remain dry!

6. For this magical painting you’ll just need to pour some milk on a plate, then drop some food coloring on it and, with a cotton swap soaked in liquid soap, draw cool shapes

7. Test the power of absorption, taking a small amount of paper fluff out of a diaper and then putting it on a glass with water

8. Make your own non-Newtonian fluid. Just mix corn starch, water and food coloring. Then, cover a subwoofer with cling film and pour the fluid onto it, to see it defy Newton’s law

9. Take vegetable oil and baby oil. Put an ice cube inside and watch the result. It won’t sink to the bottom

10. Behold the power of a glass with water and sugar. Try adding some food coloring drops to the glass and compare it to another that has no sugar

11. Blowing up a balloon, using hot water? Cover the mouth of a plastic bottle with the balloon and see what happens when you soak the bottle in hot water VS cold water

12. Demonstrate the power of fire with this experiment. Pour some water on a plate, light up a candle on the water and then cover the candle with a cup. The fire will create a vacuum that absorbs the water into the cup

Check the video for more jaw dropping experiments
Preview photo credit 5-Minute Crafts / YouTube
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