A Guide to Types of Legumes
5-Minute Crafts would like to tell you about popular types of legumes which are used in cooking.




Peanuts are classified by botanists as a variety of legume. Peanut pods develop, not above ground but underground, unlike other legumes. Peanuts are usually roasted to be used as food. Peanuts are used to make peanut butter and dishes of Peruvian, Mexican, and Asian, among other world cuisines.
Red kidney beans

Kidney beans come in a variety of colors ranging from black to red. Red kidney beans are the most common variety.
This type of beans contains a large amount of phytohemagglutinin, a plant-based protein. Because of this, it’s more toxic than other varieties of this legume. Therefore, before cooking, it must be soaked first, and then boiled for at least 10 minutes. Just 5 raw beans or one undercooked bean can cause severe nausea, diarrhea, vomiting, and stomach pain.
Navy beans

Mung beans

Mung beans are small green seeds. Mung beans resemble green peas but they are much smaller. These beans grow on an annual vine in fuzzy brown pods. Mung beans are used in various dishes from Asian cuisine: they make roasts with it and use them in soups and desserts.
Pinto beans

Pinto beans are small, beige-colored seeds with brown spots. Side dishes, stews, and sauces are made from these beans, and they are also used as the main ingredient in soups.
Fava beans

Fava beans are a species of vetch, a flowering plant in the bean family. These beans can be eaten raw and have a mild, creamy flavor. Dried beans can be used in a wide variety of dishes: they are often mashed, stewed, and used in soups.