How to Clean Cutlery to Make It Shine Again: 3 Ways
If you’re having a dinner party at home, it’s important to pay attention to small details. Some guests can be picky and, no matter how good your cooking is, if the cutlery is dirty, dull, or stained, the evening won’t be as enjoyable.
5-Minute Crafts wants to show you some helpful tips for cleaning your flatware and making a real difference in the appearance of spoons, knives, and forks.

What you’ll need:
- A disposable aluminum tray
- Baking soda
- A microfiber cloth
- Plastic or cotton gloves
- Commercial silver polish (optional)

1. Place the silverware in the disposable aluminum pan. If you don’t have an aluminum pan, you can line a bucket with aluminum foil. Avoid using any kitchen dishes, as the process may stain them or make them smell weird.
2. Sprinkle baking soda over the silverware until it’s coated evenly. Then pour boiling water into the pan until the silverware is completely submerged.

3. Wait a few minutes for the silver and baking soda to react. Remove the silver from the container and use the microfiber cloth to dry the pieces thoroughly. You can use plastic or cotton gloves to protect your skin.
4. Use the cloth to polish the silver pieces by rubbing them vigorously all over in circular motions.

5. If the silverware is very damaged, repeat the cleaning process as many times as needed. If you want to make the silver even shinier, you can apply a commercial silver polish and give the pieces a final polish with the microfiber cloth.
6. Store silverware in flannel fabric to keep it free of tarnish and dust.

Stainless steel cutlery

What you’ll need:
- Dish detergent
- A plastic tray
- Vinegar or lemon juice
- A microfiber cloth
- Plastic gloves

1. Mix detergent with water in the plastic tray and immerse the stained silverware.
2. Rinse and wash stainless steel spoons, forks, and knives thoroughly.

3. Dip the microfiber cloth in the vinegar or lemon juice and rub until the stains are removed from the cutlery. You can use plastic gloves to protect your skin from abrasive substances.
4. Wash and rinse all flatware thoroughly. To keep stainless steel in optimal condition, do not leave cutlery submerged in soapy water for long periods of time. Remember to wash them by hand and dry them immediately with a lint-free cloth.

Wooden utensils

What you’ll need:
- Dish detergent
- A plastic tray
- A kitchen towel
- Baking soda or lemon juice
- Plastic gloves
- Mineral oil or linseed oil (optional)

1. Soak wooden utensils overnight in a solution of equal parts water and white vinegar. This step removes food buildup.
2. Remove the utensils from the solution and proceed to treat them to remove bad odor by either scrubbing them with a lemon slice or with a paste made of baking soda and water. You can wear plastic gloves to protect your skin.

3. Wash wooden cutlery with water and detergent.
4. Use a kitchen towel to dry utensils or leave them in the open air.

5. To bring back the shine to your cookware, you can rub it with mineral oil or even walnut or linseed oil. Avoid using food-based oils, such as vegetable or olive oil.