How to Make Yourself Sneeze When You Can’t
You are likely familiar with that not-so-pleasant feeling when you want to sneeze but can’t. Sneezing is an involuntary reaction of the body. Luckily for you, we have prepared some tricks to help you force a sneeze whenever you want.
1. Make yourself sneeze by tickling your nose.

Perhaps the easiest way to cause a sneeze is to tickle your nose.
Roll a tissue like in the first example, place its conical part into your nose, and move it slowly back and forth. This way, you’ll be able to hit the trigeminal nerve, which will lead to a ticklish sensation and sneezing.
When using this method to induce a sneeze, make sure the tissue is not inserted too deep inside. Otherwise, there might be a risk of damaging sensitive areas inside your nose.
2. Look at a bright light.

Bright light can cause sneezing in some people. This phenomenon is called the “photic sneeze reflex.” Perhaps you are also one of these people, and at a moment you want to make yourself sneeze, some bright light can help you.
Natural sunlight is the best option for sneezing. However, don’t look directly at the sun, as it’s bad for your eyes. If you don’t have the opportunity to go outside and expose your face to sun rays to force a sneeze, try taking a quick look at the bright light of a lamp. It might work too.
3. Smell spices.

4. Chew some gum.

5. Squeeze the bridge of your nose.

Squeezing the bridge of your nose when you really want to sneeze will help stimulate this action.
The combination of vibration and pressure that happens at the moment when you pinch the bridge of your nose will cause sneezing. However, be careful when using this method. If you don’t remove your fingers from the nose bridge the moment you are about to sneeze, the air will stay between the ears and there is a risk of damaging your eardrums while sneezing.
Bonus: “When is the absolute worst possible time to sneeze?” Ⓒ Unknown user / Reddit
- “When you are driving. Think about it. You have a sudden body spasm and you close your eyes. It has probably been the cause of many unexplained accidents.” Ⓒ HighPrairieCarsales / Reddit
- “While getting a cavity drilled.” Ⓒ tr****71 / Reddit
- “When you’re getting a haircut.” Ⓒ Unknown author / Reddit
- “During a tattoo.” Ⓒ beetleeagle667 / Reddit
- “After spending 1 hour in an MRI and they are just finishing up the brain part of the scan. Sneeze then and it’s another 30 minutes at the very least in that claustrophobic noise chamber.” Ⓒ MadLintElf / Reddit
- “When your mouth is full of mac and cheese.” Ⓒ WHYBRO77009 / Reddit
- “While going in for the first kiss.” Ⓒ halfgonehatter / Reddit
- “A sneeze while painting is the worst. I’ve ruined so many paintings because I sneezed and accidentally moved the brush full of paint.” Ⓒ DatMaryy / Reddit
- “When you’ve just put on mascara.” Ⓒ onlyonecandikuka / Reddit
- “When making someone’s food or drink. I have to stop what I’m doing and turn completely away from the customer and their food or drink and rush for a paper towel. I immediately wash my hands and continue with my task.” Ⓒ PortalOutVoyd / Reddit
Do you know any other ways to induce a sneeze? Have you ever had to sneeze at a very bad moment? Tell us in the comments!