5-Minute Crafts
5-Minute Crafts

How to Start a Fire Without Matches

Aside from the famous way to start a fire using sticks and friction that you might have seen in Cast Away, you can use other pretty effective methods. But don’t forget to be careful!

5-Minute Crafts is going to tell you about ways to start a fire without matches or lighters. Of course, we really hope you will never find yourself in a situation where you have to use any of these tricks.

1. Tin foil and a battery

What you need:

  • tin foil (you can use a pack of gum or chocolate)

  • a battery

  • scissors

  • gloves (to follow safety precautions)

How to start a fire:

  1. Cut out a piece of tin foil that looks like a bowtie. If you don’t have scissors, just tear off a piece.

  2. Put on gloves and attach the ends of the foil to the ends of the battery. You will see the foil melt and start to burn.

  3. Put the burning foil in a prepared bonfire (dry leaves, small sticks, and stuff like that).

2. Metal sponge and battery

What you need:

  • metal sponge

  • toilet paper

  • battery

How to start a fire:

  1. Tear toilet paper into small pieces. Take 2 small pieces from the metal sponge.

  2. Attach a piece of toilet paper to the sponge. Put the ends of the battery on the pieces of the sponge. Wait for a few seconds. The paper should start burning.

3. Use a bottle as a magnifying glass

What you need:

  • a bottle

  • water

  • kindling

How to start a fire:

  1. Prepare the kindling. It’s supposed to be very dry and flammable.

  2. Fill the bottle with water. Put it next to the kindling so that the sunshine comes through the bottle and right onto the kindling.

  3. Watch to see if there’s smoke. When you see some smoke, start blowing on the kindling to start a fire.

4. Plastic bag used as a lens

What you need:

  • a plastic bag

  • water

  • kindling

How to start a fire:

  1. This is a similar way to the previous one. Prepare the kindling.

  2. Pour water into the bag and use it as a lens that the sunshine will go through. Hold it straight to see the result faster.

  3. Once you see some smoke, get closer and start blowing on the kindling.

5. Toilet paper and a spoon

What you need:

  • toilet paper

  • coal

  • spoon

How to start a fire:

  1. Tear about 20-30 cm of toilet paper. Make a roll.

  2. Rub one end of the paper roll on coal.

  3. Put the end of the paper on a spoon facing the sun. The light will be focused on the paper and it will soon start to burn.

  4. Put the paper into your fireplace.

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