10 Stories About Celebrities That Prove They Can Be Heroes in More Than Movies
Superhero movies have millions of fans around the world, and it’s not that surprising. These films are not only filled with cool action and realistic special effects but also with stories in which a kind and strong hero is always ready to help those who need it.
Few people know this, but some actors do not need a camera to play the hero, because they are heroes in real life.
1. Idris Elba helped a woman during a performance.
Idris Elba isn’t just a movie actor. He also has an extensive resume in theater plays. In 2019, Elba and Kwame Kwei-Armah co-created the play Tree. During one of the performances, a spectator became ill. Elba didn’t hesitate to interrupt the performance and rushed to help the woman. He stayed with her until the ambulance arrived and only left her side when he was sure that the paramedics had provided the spectator with all the necessary assistance.
2. Luke Wilson helped a woman during a car accident.
3. Zoe Saldana helped an elderly woman who had an accident.
Avatar star Zoe Saldana witnessed a car accident. The actress rushed to the aid of an elderly woman who was driving one of the cars. Zoe and another passerby moved the woman to the side of the road and called 911. The victim was conscious but severely injured. While they were waiting for the police, Zoe climbed into the woman’s car and got her a purse and sweater. Zoe stayed with the woman, who had a gash on her face, until the ambulance and police arrived.
4. Harrison Ford rescued a missing 13-year-old scout.
Harrison Ford is a hero on-screen and in real life. The actor is a licensed pilot and has often participated in rescue operations. One day in 2001, a 13-year-old boy went missing in Yellowstone National Park. The police had been looking for him for 18 hours when Ford took to the skies in his own helicopter and found the child in the deep woods.
5. Tom Cruise saved a woman after a car accident.
Once, Tom Cruise witnessed a car accident. He saw a car hit a woman at high speed and then rush to leave the scene without helping her. The actor ran to the woman’s aid and tried to do everything he could to help her. He called an ambulance and then went with the victim to the hospital. Subsequently, it turned out that the woman did not have health insurance so Cruise paid for her treatment.
6. Benedict Cumberbatch saved a cyclist from robbers.
Like his character Doctor Strange, Benedict Cumberbatch is always ready to help. Once, he saved a cyclist from robbers. 4 unidentified men attacked a cyclist who was delivering food. The attackers hit him with a bottle and were about to steal his bike. But the famous actor was passing by in a taxi when that happened. He immediately asked the driver to stop the car and they rushed to help the victim together. Benedict yelled at the robbers and demanded that they leave the guy alone. Thanks to Benedict’s help, the cyclist was not injured and did not need to be hospitalized.
7. Leonardo DiCaprio rescued a man who fell overboard and spent 11 hours in the water.
On New Year’s Eve, Leonardo DiCaprio and his ex-girlfriend Camila Morrone were sailing on a yacht with friends in the Caribbean. At some point, they heard an emergency call to search for a man who had fallen overboard. Leo’s yacht was the only one that responded to the distress signal and went in search of the man. Eventually, DiCaprio’s crew spotted the man near Saba Island and brought him on board before handing him over to the Coast Guard.
8. Danny Trejo rescued a child from an overturned car.
Once, Danny Trejo witnessed a 2-car accident, causing one of them to overturn. Inside the overturned car was a small boy, fastened in his seat with a seat belt. Trejo and another bystander helped the boy out of the car. In addition, while the rescuers pulled the boy’s grandmother out of the car —she was the driver —Trejo did his best to distract the child and calm him down.
9. Kate Winslet rescued Richard Branson’s mother from a fire.
In 2011, the actress and her children were visiting the island estate of the famous businessman, Richard Branson. Lightning struck the mansion which started a fire and a strong tropical hurricane sharply fanned the flames. It was necessary to act quickly, so Kate carried Branson’s elderly mother to safety.
10. John Cena paid a visit to seriously ill children.
John Cena is a 16-time WWE World Champion. However, the athlete likely received his most significant and most meaningful title outside the arena: John Cena entered the Guinness Book of Records for the most significant number of wishes granted to seriously ill children. Cena helps an international charity, the Make-A-Wish organization, which works to grant the wishes of children with life-threatening illnesses. Since 2002, he has managed to fulfill 650 wishes, thereby setting a record.
Have you ever done heroic deeds? Share your stories in the comments!