5-Minute Crafts
5-Minute Crafts

20 Design Fails That Prove We Urgently Need to Make Our Cities More Accessible to Everyone

Cities should be as convenient as possible for everyone, regardless of their physical abilities. However, sometimes on the streets, in restaurants, at shops, and around other public places, you can find examples of terrible urban design. Wheelchair steps and braille behind glass are things that defy explanation and make life harder and worse for certain people.

5-Minute Crafts has found 20 of the most flabbergasting examples of urban environments that prove that we urgently need to make our cities more accessible to everyone.

1. “The Braille on the ‘ALARM’ and ‘STOP’ button on this bus are the same.”

2. Parkour for wheelchairs

3. “This department store’s accessible lift is up a set of stairs.”

4. “Handicap Access is not Handicap Accessible.”

5. “In my city, there was a complaint that there was no braille at the train station and this is the solution the city came up with.”

6. “Blind people can only use the bottom 9 floors.”

7. “Need to use our handicap accessible elevator? Just block the entrance with your car and come on up!”

8. “Wheelchair-friendly stairway”

9. “This accessible toilet at a healthcare facility”

10. “They put braille on this mirror so blind people can use it...”

11. “The new school in my community has a wheelchair access button for the door, but no way for a person in a wheelchair to reach it.”

12. “Braille numbering on a bumpy surface”

13. “This wheelchair ramp at a shopping center”

14. “Accessible Parking”

15. “My workplace is wheelchair accessible...”

16. “This elevator is only accessible by going down a flight of stairs.”

17. “Extreme wheelchairing”

18. “Great extra step from a wheelchair adapted restroom”

19. “100% wheelchair accessible and no, there’s no sensor. (They also weigh a ton!)”

20. “Braille at the ATM, covered in glass”

Have you ever come across terrible examples of urban planning? Share them with us in the comments below!

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