How to Buy Local Food
Many of the foods you purchase have traveled numerous miles to get to shelves, and that takes a toll on the environment. But when you purchase local food, you are actually reducing your carbon footprint on the planet.
If you want to buy local but aren’t sure how, 5-Minute Crafts is here to help.
1. Visit a farmer’s market.

These markets are a great way to buy local goods. Because you’re purchasing directly from the artisans themselves and not through a middleman, you also end up saving some money as the products are more affordable.
2. Eat seasonal fruits and veggies.

Another way of making sure you’re purchasing local is eating seasonal fruits and vegetables, as these were most likely grown at a local farm. Also, these products are less expensive when compared to out-of-season fruits and veggies because they don’t have to be shipped from other locations.
Note: The graph above is based on the US, so make sure to look into the seasonal products near your location.
3. Focus on local products at grocery stores.

A lot of times, there are certain sections at the grocery store that have affordable locally-grown foods. Buying goods from these sections can end up being cheaper since the grocer buys directly from the seller and the products don’t require expensive transportation fees.
4. Buy from local businesses.

Purchasing from small, family-owned bakeries and other businesses is also a great way of buying local and supporting the community. More often than not, these shops source their ingredients from other local businesses, so everyone is helping each other.
5. Join a CSA.

Becoming a part of community supported agriculture (CSA) is a way for you to purchase seasonal and local food directly from farmers. When you join a CSA, you agree to pay a type of “subscription” for a box of local produce each week throughout the farming season. This can be an easy way of consuming local and fresh food for you and your family.