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How to Remove Mold, No Matter How Yucky It Is

Mold typically appears in rooms with high humidity, such as bathrooms, kitchens, or basements. Capable of spreading quite fast, it emits spores that can negatively affect human health. Any of its manifestations, whether it be small black spots on the walls in the bathroom or orange mucus underneath the kitchen sink, can pose a danger. We’ve compiled some handy tips to show how to get rid of various types of mold and prevent its development in the future.

Get ready.

Put on rubber gloves. Use protective glasses and a mask to protect your eyes and respiratory system from mold spores. You can open a window for fresh air circulation, but close the door. This way, the spores don’t spread anywhere else.

Place your belongings that have mold or might have mold spores into plastic bags. Wash them with a cleaning agent and rinse well in hot water. If you have clothes that could’ve been exposed, it’s better to toss them into the washing machine.

Removing mold from walls and ceilings

  • Prepare a cleaning agent made with chlorine bleach and water at a ratio of 1:4. Wet a rag in this solution and rub the moldy area.
  • Wipe the surface with a dry, soft rag when the mold disappears. Put both rags in a plastic bag and throw them away. Don’t use a brush, as rough friction can provoke the emission of mold spores.
  • Vacuum the room. If chlorine bleach doesn’t solve the issue, seek a professional mold cleaner.

Removing black mold from the bathroom

Way 1

  • Remember to use a special particular cleaning agent. In a spray bottle, prepare your solution with chlorine bleach diluted with water at a ratio of 1:1. Spray it on the mold before wiping it with a sponge. Let it sit for a few minutes, then brush it off.
  • To prevent the appearance of new mold, you can spray the surface with white vinegar. Wait until it’s dry. Finally, wipe the surface with a clean, dry rag. Remember to air out the room.

Way 2

  • Mix equal parts hydrogen peroxide (3%) and water. You can use 1 tbsp of baking soda instead of peroxide. Spray the moldy area with your solution, and leave it on for several minutes. Lastly, wash and rinse the surface with water.
  • Finally, proceed with vinegar and let it dry. Sometimes the highly toxic fungus, such as Stachybotrys chartarum, can hide under the guise of black-green mold. In this case, seek help from specialists.

How to prevent the appearance of mold

Using a hygrometer, watch the humidity level in the room, ensuring it doesn’t exceed 60%. To prevent it in the first place, you can do the following:

  • Remember not to dry clothes in the room. Cover your saucepans and pots with lids while cooking. Also, leaving some free space between the walls and closets is a good idea. Dare to allow fresh air to circulate freely in the room by opening windows as often as possible. Ensure your kitchen and bathroom’s ventilation system and extractor hood are functioning well. The isolation system in your home is essential as well. Observe if there is any wind blowing in from closed windows and doors.


Aside from black, yellow, or green mold, there are also other types of fungus you need to be aware of. One day, a Reddit user shared a photo, stating, ’’I have this persistent orange, spiky mold in my shower. We tried re-caulking, and it came back. Any tips to make it go away?’’ Looking at the replies the user received, there were other people who saw similar things in their bathrooms.

A type of fungus, Stemonitis, comes in different shapes, colors, and appearances based on its growth environment, age, and more. However, the mold type and the method to remove it must be done by experts.

To eliminate orange mold, always use a ventilation fan, and keep your bathroom and shower clean. Always thoroughly clean your toilet, bathroom, refrigerator, and more with hydrogen peroxide or a vinegar-based cleaning solution. Ensure to soak anything for 10-15 minutes before you dive into scrubbing.

We want to hear about your experience. Have you ever come across unfamiliar mold or fungi in your home? How did you eliminate them? Please comment below!

Please note: This article was updated in October 2022 to correct source material and factual inaccuracies.
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