10+ Curious Kids Who Will Steal Us a Smile or 2
Kids can do miraculous and naughty things at the same time. But some turn out to be such geniuses, that their innocuous curiosity can leave us feeling super wholesome. Below, we have found a few kids who will surely warm your heart and also make you chuckle a bit!
1. “Ever since my niece saw Toy Story, she shouts, ’I’m leaving!’ and then peeks at her room like this.”
2. “I couldn’t afford a tree this year so my kids decided to make one and it turned out so adorable.”
3. “It’s my son’s first kidding season. I think he is going to be a great goat farmer.”
4. “So my kid has now realized the full potential of the little recliner we got him.”
5. “My kid asked me to play hide and seek with her. I, of course, obliged. This is her genius-level hiding tactic. The cat bed.”
6. “My son tried to trick the tooth fairy for more money by putting other ’teeth’ under his pillow.”
7. “My kids inherited my childhood toys, and only my daughter wants to play with ’dolls.’ Action Man is now loving the sweet life.”
8. “My son likes to make ’traffic jams’ with his Hot Wheels. This is his latest traffic nightmare.”
9. “My 12-year-old son modified his bike with carpet for barefoot riding.”
10. “These bunk beds that my sister’s kids made for their kitties!”
11. “Kid at my work made the nesting dolls of Fortune Tellers.”
12. “Our neighbor gives treats through the fence. Recently, he has been giving my daughter treats too. This is them waiting patiently today.”
Preview photo credit MokeOG / Reddit
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