5-Minute Crafts
5-Minute Crafts

10+ Old School Things That Looked Better Before They Got Modernized

While everything is upgrading in every nook and corner of the world, we realize that the older versions of certain things were better. Modernizing surely makes our lives easier, but sometimes we also believe that upgrading them seems mundane and unnecessary. So, 5-Minute Crafts highlighted a few of these items in the fashion of then and now to help us realize that some things are better left untouched.

1. Until 1984, the UK had red telephone boxes. After 1985, British Telecom became a private company and went with the KX telephone boxes.

2. Photo albums, if taken care of, will stay with you forever, but digital photos may not be able to stand the test of time.

3. Physical classrooms are always more effective than online classrooms as the former develops interpersonal skills, memory, and motivation among students.

4. “Playing on the Gameboy Color all day long. Miss the ’90s.”

5. “Pretty soon we’re going to be putting up photos of movie theaters in general as nostalgia.” — © -Shank- / Reddit

6. “Still have my 20±year-old alarm clock that everyone had as a kid.”

7. There are still some advantages of using a manual typewriter over a computer keyboard.

8. “Missing the red roof McDonalds!! It doesn’t feel the same anymore.” — © GanjaG / Reddit

9. “McDonald’s when they used Styrofoam containers. I swear the food tasted better!”

10. “I’m a child of the ’80s, a teen of the ’90s. I had that EXACT Walkman for years. So many mixtapes were played on that.” — © Kliptik81 / Reddit

11. “Rummaging around in a used book shop

12. “The old Cartoon Network.” — © TheUnknown135 / Reddit

Which were your favorite cartoons in the old times? Let us know in the comments below.

5-Minute Crafts/Life/10+ Old School Things That Looked Better Before They Got Modernized
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