15+ Secret Messages in Movies You May Have Missed
Filmmakers have a remarkable talent for staging miracles in their productions. From not-so-important details to messages with deep meanings, fans usually miss them, even after watching them several times. But after seeing it once, the movie is not the same. Here, we have prepared some for you that are well worth mentioning.
2. In Batman Returns (1992), Selina Kyle looks like Catwoman because of the shadows her glasses made.
3. It’s exactly halfway through the 92-minute movie, Hercules, when Hades says, ’’It’s only half-time" at the forty-sixth minute.
4. The twentieth-anniversary edition of The Princess Bride’s DVD can be read upside down and right side up.
5. We can see Pennywise in one of the murals in Stephen King’s It.
6. Harry Potter’s Warner Bros. intros got darker.

© Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone / Warner Bros. and co-producers, © Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets / Warner Bros. and co-producers, © Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban / Warner Bros. and co-producers, © Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire / Warner Bros. and co-producers, © Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix / Warner Bros. and co-producers, © Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince / Warner Bros. and co-producers, © Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part 1 / Warner Bros. and co-producers, © Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part 2 / Warner Bros. and co-producers
7. The license plate, A113, in Toy Story is a classroom number at the California Institute of the Arts where many of the Pixar folks got their start.
8. In The Lion King, Simba causes a cloud of dust while he flops down at the edge of a cliff. The dust represents a 3-letter word, SFX, which is an abbreviation for the special effects that Disney used in the movie.
9. The kangaroo sticker inside the International Space Station in the movie, Gravity, was planted for the Australian astronaut that helped the crew with his experience in the movie.
10. The symbols around the Magic Mirror in Snow White and the Seven Dwarves are the twelve zodiac signs.
11. There’s a note on the side of the payphone in Madagascar that says, “Room for rent, EAST Village, $10,000/mo, call Tom & Eric.” The names written in the note, Tom and Eric, are intended for the film directors, Tom McGrath and Eric Darnell.
13. There is a Batman face in the mirror in a scene in the movie, Joker.
14. The building in Do Revenge is named Horowitz Hall to honor to the main character in Clueless, Cher Horowitz.
15. The exact same scene was used in the movies, Up and Cars 2.
16. In the movie, Coraline, the cake has a double loop on the O in “welcome home,” which means that the person who wrote it is lying.
17. At breakfast in the hotel in Pretty Woman, Julia Roberts takes a croissant from the table. Shortly after, it mysteriously transforms into a pancake.
18. Batman’s black makeup under his eyes disappears in the next scene.
Have you ever come across something suspicious in a movie? What was it?
Preview photo credit Batman Returns / Warner Bros. and co-producers
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