16 Landlords Stories That Are So Horrifying You Could Turn Them Into a Halloween Movie
Home is an important place in everyone’s life. This is the place you always want to rush to and where you can always feel safe. However, before building our cozy nest, many of us have to rent a house or apartment for a while. Consider yourself lucky if this apartment meets all of your requirements and wishes. But sometimes, there are apartments that could become a set for a horror movie.
1. “My landlord pretended to do work on the apartment but ended up installing this 360° Wi-Fi surveillance camera, which also records audio, without telling me about it.”
2. “Was helping the landlord clean up the apartment across the hall after the tenant moved out... These are the mushrooms growing in their bathroom.”
3. “When you move into a new apartment, and the landlord tries telling you these are water bugs...”
4. “Landlord suggests we move instead of repairing our leaky ceilings.”
5. “Landlord thought I was a government agent and decided to lock me out to do this.”
6. “After a grueling day at work without food, where I had to wait 4 hours for a sample to arrive, which got canceled, I came home at 7 PM to find all my stuff in garbage bags cause the cleaners my landlord sent cleared the wrong apartment.”
7. “Our landlord keeps saying there’s nothing wrong with our shower.”
8. “Landlord says the home we’re renting doesn’t have hard water. This is after boiling water one time.”
9. “I’ve been arguing with my landlord about water seeping into my apartment for 2 months now. Found this little guy today.”
10. “We had a nicely fitting corner toilet. This is how our landlord decided to replace it with a new one.”
11. “Landlord won’t fix ceiling or floor.”
12. “This is our tap water that we’ve contacted our landlord multiple times about :’)”
13. “The physical state of the AC unit my landlord flat out refuses to replace. It’s 93°F in my place and it’s not even noon yet.”
14. “Neighbor kicked the door in because they were locked out. This is the landlord’s fix.”
15. “Just moved into a new apartment, and the bathtub was draining slow. Found this monstrosity in the drain.”
16. “This is the condition of the 2 pipes connected to my apartment building’s hot water heater. I sent this picture to my landlord, who said her handyman told her it didn’t need immediate attention. Can anyone tell me what’s going on and if there’s any danger?”
Have you ever rented a terrible apartment? Share your stories in the comments!
Preview photo credit Magnetron85 / Reddit
5-Minute Crafts/Life/16 Landlords Stories That Are So Horrifying You Could Turn Them Into a Halloween Movie
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