5-Minute Crafts
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20 Meaningful Tattoos That Make Our Hearts Sigh

Some people get tattoos to decorate their bodies with beautiful designs. However, others do it to remember their loved ones, or to pay tribute to something important they’ve been through in life.

5-Minute Crafts has compiled 20 photos of meaningful tattoos with strong stories behind them.

1. “My dad passed away on December 15, 2016. Today, I got a tattoo.”

2. “My 92-year-old grandma got an infinity tattoo when she was 18.”

3. “I got a tattoo of my nana’s handwriting. It’s been a few months and it still doesn’t feel real, but now I can look down and know she’s with me.”

4. “My mom passed away a few months ago... Got this tattoo today to remember all of our aimless drives listening to Taylor Swift together.”

5. “Tattoo to support my wife’s fight with mental illness.”

6. “I lost my father unexpectedly. I got my own version of one of his tattoos in memory of him.”

7. “Something silly for the ’extra life’ heart surgery gave me.”

8. “For my 18th birthday, I got a tattoo of my dad’s laugh on my arm, he passed 3 years ago. I have his smile and joy wherever I go now.”

9. “Simple chart my grandpa drew for me to show where my home is on the surface of the Earth with longitude and latitude.”

10. “The big brick represents my big brother, who passed away one day shy of his 40th birthday, in his favorite color, and the little one represents me. We always built LEGOs together.”

11. “I lost my best friend last year. I got her last note as my first tattoo.”

12. “About a month ago, I lost a friend in a climbing accident. This is my reminder of him as well as a reminder to myself to climb safely.”

13. “Today makes a year my dad has been gone. I got a tattoo of his handwriting from the last birthday card he ever got me. I cried as soon as it was done.”

14. “This woman lost everything in Katrina. She set a goal of rebuilding her home and tattooed the plans on her hands as a reminder while she works 3 jobs to achieve her dream.”

15. “Tribute tattoo for my best friend who passed away”

16. “I lost one of my best friends last year and this is the most fitting tattoo I could think of to memorialize him.”

17. “Cat memorial tattoo with the flowers she loved to eat”

18. “I lost my old boy Sebastian last month. I got my first tattoo in his honor.”

19. “My mom always said she would get a tattoo of a black cat once she was healthy again. Unfortunately, she passed away 3 years ago. This one is for you mama.”

20. “I lost my older sister in July of this year. I got this tattoo for her this past weekend. She loved mermaids and the same design is on her headstone. I love you, always.”

Do you have any meaningful tattoos on your body? Tell us in the comments!

Preview photo credit Matiiilda / Reddit
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