5-Minute Crafts
5-Minute Crafts

20+ Times Old Things Got a New Lease on Life Thanks to Crafty Hands

Though it’s hard to believe, most of the things we have and use can get a chance at a second life, even if they’re in a bad condition and seem useless. The main secret is to get this item into the hands of the right person.

5-Minute Crafts collected photos that will show what upcycles and makeovers true masters are capable of.

“Things I make from avocado pits”

“I think this is my favorite upcycle! A retro 1960s storage stool that has been given a new lease on life.”

“Candles arrived broken in the post, so I melted them into empty jam containers!”

“I made a lamp shade out of old photo slides.”

“This free dresser got a makeover...”

"From bottle caps to boards — the plastic caps are shredded before going into a mold and then pressed.

These upcycled ’’sheets’’ can be used for...anything! Furniture, serving boards, coasters, planters, crates, and the list goes on."

“10±year-old shirts made into a T-shirt rug with crochet, mimicking the rag-rug woven look.”

“My girlfriend made me this cute brush holder from old jeans.”

“An easy upcycle from gross, roadside trash to treasure”

“I’m slowly changing over to reusables! These are my first ones!”

“Found some walnut plaques at work being thrown away. I saved them to make soap dishes for friends and family!”

“It’s small but it’s the first step for us to move to plastic-free alternatives.”

“Sewed these beach bags using my old shower curtain instead of throwing it out!”

“$15 desk from the thrift store”

“I was able to save this broken pot. I loved it before and I love it extra now!”

“I upcycled old Amazon packaging into in-flight art kits for my kids. 2 elastic bands and staples hold the stationery.”

“I take plastic shipping/bale straps from hardware store waste and make sturdy, functional, and fashionable baskets! My cats also love them at every stage.”

“Found an old piano with severe water damage. Would’ve been a pity to throw it away.”

“Not eating with my fingers — luckily, I had a supply of charity shop cutlery.”

“I turned a broken air compressor into a flower pot that has a reservoir.”

“I make pots for plants from old paper and cardboard.”

“A retro tea trolley from a marketplace got a colorful makeover with paint and fabric.”

“Made a fairy succulent garden patio area with a broken pot.”

5-Minute Crafts/Life/20+ Times Old Things Got a New Lease on Life Thanks to Crafty Hands
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