21 Hilariously Unusual Designs for Everyday Objects
New designs are there to make our lives easier and better. And occasionally, some objects catch our attention more than others thanks to their bizarre style or manufacturing faults. The designs in this article are slightly different—they’re funny and entertaining. Read on to see what 5-Minute Crafts rounded up for you.
1. ’’Carception’’
2. ’’The uncomfortable watering can’’
3. How to promote House of the Dragon on the street
4. ’’I design fake products for fun, behold the infinity saucelet, wield all your favorite fast food sauces at once.’’
5. ’’I designed and printed a working Simpsons TV. Plays the first 11 seasons at random without internet. Knobs work too!’’
6. You’re in safe hands.
7. ’’Found the Mutt Cutts’’
8. Do you need a fork?
9. ’’This big toilet at the hospital, normal size urinal for scale’’
10. ’’Found this spoon in my grandad’s house, can anyone tell me what this is used for?’’
11. ’’I like to design products for fun that no one asks for. Meet the AirSticks, the chopstick extensions for your AirPods.’’
12. ’’Welcome to Germany’’
13. ’’Urinals in stalls’’
14. ’’This cup is kind of cute, though.’’
15. ’’This urinal’’
16. ’’I’ve seen the banana car, but this is a new one.’’
17. ’’Bought at a flea market in Belgium, the seller offered no explanation. There are no markings except the 2 on the inner side of the legs.’’
18. ’’Not an exit’’
19. ’’Dining chair’’
20. ’’This building is in Las Vegas and was built to represent the brain.’’
21. ’’An unusual bike with wheels painted to look like watermelon slices.’’
Whether a vintage piece, a collectible item, or something else, we love discovering cool stuff and sharing it with you. Share your design finds with us! Do you have any pictures or photos of unusual designs you’ve come across? Let us know in the comment section below 👇👇
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