25 Things Men Didn’t Realize Until They Moved in With a Woman
Moving in with your partner can be full of good moments and new experiences. However, this important step in a relationship can also bring on a lot of learning about how different men and women can be when getting things done.
In this article, we’ve compiled 25 things that male Reddit users learned after sharing a home with their female partners.
- “Just how expensive and low-quality brands for women are.” Ⓒ BlackSunBeast / Reddit
- “Pockets are very rare for women’s pants. Several years married and still shocked by this.” Ⓒ Timothy5509 / Reddit
- “You find out the amount of food that a refrigerator can really hold.” Ⓒ AKA_St**** / Reddit
- “I didn’t realize the amount of comfort I would get. I always thought it would be like having a roommate but it’s way different, especially with a SO. When my girlfriend and I started living together, I felt more comfortable in just about every way in my own apartment. The empathy and emotions brought to the place are also incredible. It felt more open and welcoming after living with a bunch of guys in college where emotions don’t really happen.” Ⓒ SoapsDisc / Reddit
- “The benefits of face cream” Ⓒ btwrenn / Reddit
- “I always thought that pads operated like bandaids and they’d just stick them over their skin.” Ⓒ mye*****isbigger / Reddit
- “How nice houseplants are. Now I have all kinds of plants and my place feels so much more nice and relaxing.” Ⓒ the_monkey_of_lies / Reddit
- “Apparently, cleaning the toilet on the regular is much, much more important than I’d previously thought.” Ⓒ onelittleworld / Reddit
- “I never realized that she’d start wearing my clothes. T-shirts, sweaters, not even my underwear is mine anymore!” Ⓒ Podlubnyi / Reddit
- “Apparently showering and washing your hair are separate events.” Ⓒ loercase / Reddit
- “That she owns only one truly GOOD BRA. There is only one and part of your duty as a man is to protect The Good Bra. If you are doing laundry, you must take the greatest of precautions to make sure it is properly cleaned, dried, and stored.” Ⓒ StillHereUB******s / Reddit
- “When long, loose head hairs wash off in the shower, it’s common practice to stick them to the wall rather than let them collect in the drain.” Ⓒ Professor_Brooks / Reddit
- “That moisturizer goes on the body too.” Ⓒ thought-criminal-_ / Reddit
- “Fancy makeup takes a long time.” Ⓒ thatnovaguy / Reddit
- “Be sure to have a trashcan in every bathroom.” Ⓒ whataboutbobwiley / Reddit
- “NEVER EVER dry her clothes in a dryer.” Ⓒ trash332 / Reddit
- “Period panties. I guess I’d have a separate selection of underwear to use when I’m menstruating, too. Why would I ruin all of my good underwear?” Ⓒ saybeautifulthings / Reddit
- “No matter how many bobby pins are in the house, there is always a need for more.” Ⓒ Sensitive-Cherry-398 / Reddit
- “I learned that the bathroom can actually smell like soap, flowers, and coconut.” Ⓒ noclue_whatsoever / Reddit
- “You’ve been doing laundry wrong your whole life.” Ⓒ colojason / Reddit
- “To get rid of bangs you don’t just cut them off.” Ⓒ rushakenyan / Reddit
- “I didn’t know how frequently I’d get spontaneous massages, that’s been a nice surprise.” Ⓒ *******-Wonderboy / Reddit
- “It’s always acceptable to watch a Disney movie, no matter how old you are.” Ⓒ Sudden_Ad_1674 / Reddit
- “Strange new foods will appear in the cupboard and the fridge, so you will get to try new things.” Ⓒ The*****sAdvokaat / Reddit
- “The color of their shoes will match their earrings and their purse, and if you look carefully, it’ll pick up the highlights of the design of their top.” Ⓒ LordSn00ty / Reddit
Is there anything else you would add to this compilation? Tell us in the comments!
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