5 Traits That We’re Likely to Inherit From Our Mothers
The genes of both parents affect what traits and characteristics their child gets. Our appearance, certain medical conditions we’ll have in the future, and some personal peculiarities are predetermined at conception. It is difficult to predict what physical and psychological features the baby will have, but we can distinguish some traits they will likely inherit from each parent. This article is a selection of the typical physical characteristics and behavioral features you could inherit from your mother.
1. Intelligence
Intelligence is doubtlessly a hereditary feature. Until recent years, people thought it might depend equally on both father’s and mother’s genes. However, several recent studies disclosed that kids inherit intelligence from their mothers since intelligence genes are located on X chromosomes. Women have 2 X chromosomes and twice the possibility of passing these genes to their offspring.
However, genetics is not the only factor influencing a child’s mental capacity. It is necessary to say that mothers can boost the intellectual development of children through emotional and physical contact.
2. Sleeping patterns
Some children fall asleep in a few moments, while others need long rituals. If the parenting hacks on how to put a baby to sleep fast don’t work, maternal genes are likely in action. A study shows a direct correlation between maternal insomnia and several components of childhood sleep. Children of mothers with insomnia spend less time sleeping, fall asleep slowly, and wake up later.
3. Hemophilia
Hemophilia is a rare condition that comes out from the reduction of clotting factors. It may affect the clotting processes and is inherited only from the X chromosome. Sons inherit the X chromosome from their mother and the Y chromosome from their father. Daughters inherit an X chromosome from each parent.
Women who carry hemophilia have one X chromosome with a gene affected by this condition and one X chromosome with a normal gene. A properly functioning gene secures women from the symptoms of hemophilia by providing sufficient clotting possibilities. But if their sons inherit the affected X chromosome, they will definitely have hemophilia. If their daughters inherit this chromosome they will become a carrier. Men with hemophilia can only pass the altered gene to their daughters. Their sons will not be affected.
4. Exercise endurance
A study found that the child will likely have the same capacity for exercise as their mother. All humans inherit from their mothers the mitochondrial genome, which is called “the powerhouse of the cell.” Our endurance depends, in particular, on the oxidative potential of mitochondria. So you get the “athletic genes,” physical endurance, and stamina from your mother’s side.
5. Color blindness
The structure of our eyes is complicated; one may compare them with a camera. The eye retina is covered with special cells, consisting of rods and cones. The rods react to light, and the cones identify colors. The cones have different pigments inside them. If something is wrong with the pigments, the person won’t see colors the usual way.
This condition is called color deficiency or color blindness. Most forms of color blindness are linked to an X chromosome. That means that mothers are carriers, and sons are usually affected because they don’t have a second X chromosome to balance this condition.
Bonus: the increased heritability of left-handedness
Approximately 8% of the world’s population is left-handed. Scientists suggest that left-handedness or right-handedness has a genetic origin rather than environmental influences. However, identical twins prove that handedness is not always completely inherited from the parents. Researchers just managed to come to the conclusion that left-handed mothers have more left-handed children than left-handed fathers.