9 Things We’ve Been Doing Wrong From the Beginning
Day by day we do many things automatically. It may sound surprising, but people are actually doing a whole bunch of things wrong. Sometimes it’s worth changing the routine a little to get more comfort, achieve a better effect, or increase your safety.
1. Using headphones
No matter how high-quality your headphones are, the pleasure and sound quality will not matter if they don’t fit you. Try turning your earbuds upside down. For some, this helps to press them more tightly to the ear canal. It is also an easy way to keep them from falling out, without additional accessories.
According to users, the non-standard way of wearing earbuds brings other functional benefits. The earbuds become comfortable for extended wear, especially when you use them lying down. The tighter fit cuts off external sounds and enhances noise cancellation, allowing you to enjoy your audio without interruption.
2. Microwaving food
Sometimes it happens that the microwave does not heat food evenly. The main causes of this problem are the wrong arrangement of food and the wrong choice of plates and dishes. Glass and ceramic microwave-safe cookware heats up faster and retains more heat, which helps food stay hot longer.
Even distribution of food on the plate and placing it closer to the edges will help to achieve a uniform temperature. You can also cover the food with a damp paper towel. This will speed up the circulation of heat.
3. Peeling bananas
Many people peel the banana from the side of the stem. However, the most efficient and convenient method of peeling a banana is the one used by monkeys. You need to take hold of the banana stem and squeeze the opposite end with your fingers until it breaks. Then you just need to pull back on the peel and enjoy the fruit.
The stem works like a convenient handle, and the last piece can be easily removed without the risk of getting dirty. This method will also save you from eating the unpleasant stringy parts of the fruit.
4. Using white clothes to block UV rays
White clothing is believed to help block UV rays. Many people see it as the first line of defense against the harmful effects of the sun. However, fabrics in dark or bright colors do a much better job. Black, red, and dark blue shades absorb more UV rays than lighter hues, and even solid white. For example, a white cotton T-shirt has a UPF of about 5. One should remember the rule: the more intense the color is, the better protection the clothes will provide.
5. Loading a dishwasher
Sometimes the dishwasher has a few surprises in store for us: it doesn’t work in the same way for the dishes located in different parts of the racks. It turns out that certain sectors are more suitable for cleaning certain contaminants. Dishes contaminated with high carbohydrate foods should be placed closer to the center of the machine. Load the bottom rack of the dishwasher so that the tallest plates or trays are kept close to the edges. There should be enough space between 2 objects to allow for free access to the water flow. Bowls and other deep utensils should be placed in the center.
6. Putting eggs and dairy items on the fridge door shelves
It seems that the door of the refrigerator is designed specifically for storing packages of eggs and milk. However, storing them in this place can harm the products. The temperature in the refrigerator door is higher than in its main section, and this allows bacteria to live and reproduce. Therefore, storage-sensitive foods like dairy products and eggs should be kept inside the refrigerator.
7. Not preheating the oven
When a recipe or a cooking instruction label specifies a cooking time and temperature, it is assumed that the oven must be preheated to the correct temperature. If this step is skipped, it won’t be possible to calculate the cooking time correctly since you don’t know exactly when the cold oven has reached its desired temperature.
If the preheating process is neglected, the food will turn tough, rubbery, and could be undercooked. Baking also needs a sharp temperature overall. This helps the dough to rise properly. If the oven is not preheated well, your cake will turn out tough.
8. Holding a steering wheel
The term “10 and 2” is familiar and habitual to many drivers. This refers to the position of the hands on the steering wheel. “10 and 2” has an analogy with the position of the hands on the clock dial. However, in recent years, the opinion of competent institutions has changed a lot. They now recommend the “9 and 3” position.
The left hand should rest on the left side of the steering wheel similar to the position of the number 9 on a clock dial. The right hand should be in the position of the number 3 on the clock. It is believed that the old “10 and 2” technique can be dangerous for vehicles with small steering wheels, as well as for cars with a steering wheel equipped with an airbag.
9. Doing sit-ups to get 6-pack abs
Sit-ups used to be a popular exercise. It was believed that they may make the abs tighter and the waist thinner. But they have lost their privileged position. In fact, sit-ups are hard on the back. The spine gets pressed to the floor, and the muscles running from the hips to the vertebrae pull it, causing discomfort in the lower back.
To work out the muscles of the core, you can substitute sit-ups with plank. It affects many more muscles than sit-ups, and plank also helps to balance the muscles of the front, back, and sides of the body.
Have you found a better use for the things that surround you in your everyday life? Feel free to share your knowledge!