5-Minute Crafts
5-Minute Crafts

9 Ways To Show Your S.O. You Love Them Without Saying a Word

To show your true feelings to your significant other, you don’t need to scream about your love from the rooftops. There are plenty of ways to let them know without saying a word.

5-Minute Crafts collected some stories and pictures — silent examples of true love and care.

1. Write a love note or a letter.

“A love letter...”

“It says:
My love. Do you remember that one day, somebody said, “You never will find someone that will love you more than I do”? Well, I’m here, a person that loves you with all that I have, and I won’t say that I’m better than anybody that has tried to touch your soul, but I’ll say that I’ll give my all to stay beside you, and I’ll remind you anytime that I can that your choice of letting me be in your life has been your best decision. If at any time, you and I are no longer together, I won’t say, “You will never find someone that loves you more than me,” but I’ll say, “I hope that the next person that comes into your life, loves you more than I could.” kanterann / Reddit

  • I got one when my partner left to go back to the US. It’s my favorite thing she ever got me. That and she left me a hair tie that I use as a bracelet every day. I’m a simple man, and I love the little things. Something from the heart like that means more to me than words can describe!
    © hdksoeusb67543 / Reddit
  • I love when he does this. When he’d make me lunches for work, he’d often write little love notes on Post-its and stick them inside my lunch box. It’s such a small thing, but it really would brighten up my day. © DangerouslyDia / Reddit

2. Make something to make their everyday life easier.

“My S.O. built me the chicken coop of my dreams.”

“This is my wife’s favorite pair of heels. They’re too tight. As a surprise for our anniversary, I bought some shoe stretchers and I’ve been carefully expanding them. I can’t wait to show her!”

3. Make a creative surprise.

“Mokoko Seed I Embroidered for my S.O. I hope they will like it!”

“Girlfriend left early in the morning for a trip and left this for me to find.”

  • My gf asked me about my favorite gift I got as a child. I told her about a gift my grandfather had given me that he had bought at an estate auction. It wasn’t anything fancy, but I loved that toy, and I had lost it when I left home. She tracked the toy down on eBay and gave it to me for Christmas. That was so incredibly thoughtful and sweet. I cherish it. © glitzyjan / Reddit

4. Let the music speak.

“Today is my girlfriend’s birthday, so I got her favorite radio station to display this message for her all day.”

5. Cook or bake something special.

“My husband’s a medical student and we’ve been jokingly referring to this as his prefrontal cortex birthday.”

“Cake with hand-painted candied pears I made for my wife’s birthday.”

“My homemade Lord of the Rings feast for my wife’s birthday. Each dish matches the food in the movie.”

6. Don’t forget about significant dates.

“To surprise my wife for our 15th anniversary, I commissioned a portrait of her and my daughters by her favorite artist. I’m so excited to give it to her next month!”

7. Do something weird together.

“I made this for my bf once as a joke. He laughed really hard, so now it’s a thing.”

  • We make up names for the neighbors we haven’t met. One neighbor may “look” like an Amy. We also have a Brent. It’s super disorienting when you finally meet them and learn their actual names. © stardust_memory_ / Reddit

8. Share something personal with them.

“When I was 13 my mother burnt a teddy bear I had to teach me a lesson. It haunted me. My girlfriend surprised me. I am so grateful!”

  • Every day she introduces me to something new from her home country. She will make cool food I’ve never heard of and snacks that I’d like. And she wanted me to watch her favorite movie, but she couldn’t find it with English subtitles. She spent a week translating it and making a script for me.
    © Unknown user / Reddit

9. Have their back.

“My wife wants to pursue her career of being a chef, so we decided I would start staying home full time. This is his face from our first full day together.”

“I have intense anxiety before any kind of test. Today I will have my second try for a driver’s license and my girlfriend gave me this cute unicorn.”

  • I have my problems, yet he accepts me for who I am. He has never tried to change or “fix” me. I found myself wanting to be better and to fight for myself. He is there whenever I ask for it. He’s unlike any guy I’ve ever met, actually. Meeting him was like coming up for fresh air.
    © _kooks / Reddit

Check the video for awesome signs of love in your life

Preview photo credit JephriB / Reddit
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