How to Make Hand Shadows: Part 2
Shadow puppets can be an excellent way to have fun with your children and enhance their creativity. At the same time, these hand shapes can easily boost your storytelling sessions, as you can bring animal characters to life without using many resources.
We taught you how to do this in a previous article, and now we’re showing you how to make 10 more hand shadow puppets by using your hands, some light, and an empty wall.
1. Ostrich

- Clasp the fingers of your left and right hands together and stretch your thumbs forming a “V” shape.
2. Elephant

- Stretch your fingers on your left hand and bend your ring and middle fingers downward. Then slightly curl your right hand and place it on top of your left hand, leaving a small gap between the thumb and the index finger as shown in the example.
3. Cat

- With your right hand, make a fist by hiding your thumb with your fingers. Slightly raise your index and pinky fingers as if you were forming the cat’s ears. Next, curl your left hand and place it at your right elbow by stretching your index as if it was the cat’s tail.
4. Crocodile

- Stretch your right hand facing down with your thumb right next to your index. Slightly curl your pinky and ring fingers. Then do the same with your left hand and place it facing upward below your right hand, making sure both hands are joined together at the wrists.
5. Snail

- Stretch your left hand facing down and slightly bend it upward at the wrist. Lift your index to separate it from the rest of your fingers. With your right hand, make a fist and place it on your right hand above the wrist.
6. Black panther

- With your left hand, form a “C” shape as in the example. Then place your right hand over your left hand and slightly lift your right thumb.
7. Rooster

- With your right hand, stretch your index finger with your thumb right next to it and bend your other fingers downward. Then place your left hand facing upward above your right hand. Stretch your left index to match your right index without touching it and lift the rest of your left fingers upward.
8. Duck

- Bend your left hand at the wrist, making sure your palm is facing downward. Then move your pinky and ring finger down and your middle finger and index up to separate them. Make sure to keep your thumb right next to your index. Place your right hand on your left hand, forming an “O” shape.
9. Penguin

- With your right hand, curl your ring, middle, and index fingers to meet your palm, leaving the latter slightly lifted up. Stretch your pinky and place your thumb below the second joint of your index. Then put your left hand at the base of your right hand, forming a fist and stretching your index.
10. Bear cub

- With your left hand, curl your fingers to form a big “C” shape with your thumb and index finger, and make a smaller “C” shape with the same thumb and the rest of your fingers.
- Place your right hand behind your left hand. Bend your middle and ring fingers forward, leaving your pinky and index stretched up.
What other hand shadow puppets can you make? Tell us in the comments!
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