When Things Didn’t Go as Planned but Ended Up Being Really Funny
In life, it’s worth taking a moment to laugh at failures and the hilariously lousy luck you’ve had that day or any other day. This is because there is always a high chance of turning a bad day into the most fun one. 5-Minute Crafts compiled some epic fails to bring a smile to your face — scroll down and enjoy.
1. ’’Breakfast is going well.’’
2. ’’I dropped my phone; the screen broke, but the screen protector didn’t. Now I can’t get the screen protector out.’’
3. ’’Was casually cooking dinner and suddenly there were peas. Peas. Everywhere!’’
4. ’’Crackpot — we were making dinner in the crockpot. Heard a loud crunch and discovered the lid fractured.’’
5. ’’Put my phone on the car’s roof, and my boyfriend opened the trunk. It fit perfectly. No way to pull it out or reopen the trunk!’’
6. ’’Ripping up spam mail. My girlfriend pointed out that the Neilson survey sent me money right after I ripped the envelope!’’
7. ’’Screen orientation — pick your side to order!’’
8. ’’The chocolate chips are the best part.’’
9. ’’Getting 2 for the price of 1...’’
10. ’’There were 12 minutes left in the washing cycle when I saw this.’’
11. ’’Labeled the yogurts, boss!’’
12. ’’The faucet was placed further than its length in a hotel room, resulting in a cascading waterfall.’’
13. When you’re trying to figure out the result and wondering what type of test this is
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