5-Minute Crafts
5-Minute Crafts

Top tips for keeping your beach day snacks fresh and delicious

Whether it’s crispy chips, juicy fruits, or refreshing beverages, beach days are made even better with delectable treats in hand. However, the relentless heat can quickly turn your snacks into a soggy, melted mess, leaving you with a less-than-appetizing experience. But fret not, because we’re here to rescue your beach day munchies with a set of essential tips and tricks to ensure your snacks stay fresh, crisp, and utterly delightful, even in the sweltering summer sun. So, let’s dive in and discover how to make your beach day snacks an irresistible part of your seaside adventure!

1. How to keep your canned drinks cool

For this hack, you’ll just need a pop-it mold and a cup that has a lid with a straw

  • Fill the pop-it toy with water and freeze it
  • Take the ice balls out of the toy and pour some into the cup
  • Put your drink in the cup
  • Fill the sides of the cup with more ice balls
  • Put the cap and straw on the cup

2. How to enjoy a melted chocolate bar

  • Open the bag with the chocolate bar completely flat
  • Prick some fruit pieces and take the chocolate from the bag with them

3. How to make a swimming pool friendly plate

All you’ll need for this hack is a plastic plate and cup and, of course, your preferred drink and snacks.

  • Make a hole the size of a plastic cup, in the middle of a plastic plate
  • Insert the cup through the hole, to the half
  • Put some chips on the plate, around the cup
  • Fill the cup with soda and put a straw in it

4. How to make an icy fruit soda

  • Fill a small bucket with ice cubes
  • Pour orange juice into the bucket
  • Put some cherries, pineapple pieces and blueberries on top
  • Dip a soda bottle into the ice and put some straws in the bucket, to enjoy

5. How to keep cool several soda bottles at a time

  • Dip a diaper in the swimming pool, until it has absorbed a lot of water
  • Freeze the diaper
  • Take diaper out of the freezer and put your soda bottles inside it

Check the video for more useful ideas and gadgets for summer

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5-Minute Crafts/Tricks/Top tips for keeping your beach day snacks fresh and delicious
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