A Simple Definition of Green Coffee, and How It’s Different From the Regular Kind
There are different types of coffee and many ways to brew it. And most of us have our favorite coffee drink: some people love it black without sugar, and others prefer a sweet latte with a lot of milk foam. However, there is a type of coffee that many people have heard about but don’t know exactly what it is, and that’s green coffee.
5-Minute Crafts would like to tell you more about green coffee.
What is it?

Just the name of this coffee may give you an idea of what this product looks like: these are green coffee beans that haven’t yet been roasted. It’s hard to believe that green coffee beans and the brown ones we’re familiar with are the same product because they have a different color, texture, and smell.
The taste of green coffee is much softer, lighter, and more acidic. If the drink is prepared correctly, it will be thick. Some people describe the taste of green coffee as “herbal” or compare it to green or herbal tea, but it’s still not exactly the same. It’s because of this specific taste that you most likely won’t find green coffee on the menu of your favorite coffee shop. The production process is also different: to make a cup of green coffee, you need to soak the beans, boil them over low heat, and strain them. Green coffee doesn’t look like ordinary coffee in terms of the color of the drink — it’s more of an amber hue with a hint of green.
Differences in content

Coffee beans contain a compound known as chlorogenic acid. It can also be found in other foods, such as blueberries, tomatoes, or eggplant. But coffee beans contain much more of it. This acid is good for your health (we’ll talk about that below). However, as soon as you start roasting coffee beans, the level of this acid in their composition drops sharply while the beans get their renowned coffee taste.
Another difference in composition is the amount of caffeine it contains. It’s known that as the roasting time increases, the amount of caffeine decreases. This means that there is more caffeine in lighter roasts than in darker ones. Green coffee, on the other hand, has even more caffeine than lightly roasted coffee.
The chlorogenic acid that evaporates from beans during roasting is believed to be good for your health. In particular, it might affect blood vessels and reduce blood pressure. This acid might also affect how the body handles blood sugar.
Despite the fact that, at the moment, there is no convincing scientific data on the clear and precise effect of green coffee on the body, people take it for diabetes, obesity, or high cholesterol.