5-Minute Crafts
5-Minute Crafts

How to Rollerblade

Rollerblading can be a great way to stay in shape or just become an enjoyable hobby. However, having literal wheels beneath your feet could make things a bit complicated. That’s why we at 5-Minute Crafts have a few simple but great tips to help you start skating in no time.

How to Write a Book

Writing a book is one of the greatest ways to express yourself and tell a story that the whole world can hear. However, actually sitting down and writing one can seem like a challenge, especially if you don’t know where to start. That’s why we at 5-Minute Crafts are sharing how to begin your journey as an author and actually finish a book.

5 Ways to Improve Your Self-Esteem

Self-esteem is the mental and emotional state we have toward ourselves. We should foster it on a daily basis in order to face a better attitude to the challenges that arise in our lives, without becoming demotivated. 5-Minute Crafts will offer you 5 keys so that you can evaluate them, put them into practice, and thus strengthen your self-esteem.

How to Fix Shoe Imperfections and Make Them Comfortable

It’s actually quite easy to make your feet feel comfortable in shoes — you just need a banana peel, a wax candle, a piece of sandpaper, and some other things.

How to Stretch Out Shoes: 8 Ways

Sometimes, a pair of shoes that fit us perfectly at the shop may turn out to be too tight after we wear them for only a couple of hours. Luckily, there’s no need to return your purchase, since 5-Minute Crafts knows effective ways to stretch out your shoes and help them adapt to the shape of your feet.

How to Tell If the Moon Is Waxing or Waning

The moon is incredibly important to us, some theories are based on the fact that life would not have appeared on our planet without it. It stabilizes the climate and is responsible for tides. Even the calendar used to be based on the phases of the moon, because a month is approximately equal to the time it takes from one full moon to the next one.

How to Make Insect Bites Stop Itching

Even though it’s not hard to protect ourselves from insects, they still manage to bite us. So, we recommend using the tips from this article to make your leisure time outside more enjoyable.

How to Understand When Meat Has Gone Bad

Exposing meat to room temperature for too long can lead to the growth of bacteria at a dangerous level and, if consumed, this meat can cause stomach disorders. The bacteria on meat can grow most rapidly between 40°F and 140°F, and it only takes 20 minutes for their numbers to double. This interval is often called “the danger zone.” Taking into account the specifics of storage, it’s better to learn to find out how to tell the freshness of meat products in order to protect yourself.

How to Store Fruits and Vegetables So They Stay Fresher and Last Longer

We all know that fruits and vegetables are low-calorie foods with very beneficial properties for the body. We usually buy a few kilos of vegetables every day to use them in salads and side dishes, or to simply eat them raw. But when we have a large quantity at home, either because of an offer we saw or because they just kind of accumulated, we often feel sorry for not being able to consume everything in time and we are afraid that things might start to spoil.

How to Choose and Store Bananas

The ripening process in bananas happens very fast. The tiny seeds in the fruit release a mixture of ethylene and carbon dioxide that causes the fruit to turn black. Opt for ripe bananas (yellow with brown stains) for immediate use and yellowish-green ones to eat later.

How to Teach a Child to Measure Angles

There is nothing better than an illustrative example. And if you start to teach your children the basics of geometry, this method will make your task much easier.

What to Do If Your Brakes Go Out

Forewarned is forearmed. If your brakes suddenly stop working, you should act calmly and confidently, while our article will help you understand how to behave in this extreme situation.

How to Estimate the Time Until Sunset Without a Watch

If you urgently need to know how much time is left until sunset, use these instructions. Unfortunately, this method doesn’t guarantee 100% accuracy, but it still helps you tell time without any gadgets.

What to Do if You’re Choking and Nobody Is Around to Help

Self-help skills are really important both for you and other people around you. In this article, we’re going to tell you what to do if you choke on something and can’t breathe when no one else is around to help.

Cuts of Vegetables: Types and Their Names

Different ways of cutting vegetables can make your daily cooking way easier. Aside from the basic cuts, there are some that are used for decorating meals and making them appear even more delicious.In this article, we will tell you about different types of cuts for vegetables. Among them, you are sure to find what you need to create beautiful dishes.

How to Use the Envelope Budgeting Method

The envelope budgeting method is a popular system when you divide all of your income into different envelopes, and each of them is used to pay for certain things. It helps you to control your expenses, prevent impulsive purchasing, and save money by putting aside small amounts.

19 Ways to Look Your Best in Pictures

Thanks to the development of mobile technology and social media, we get photographed way more often than our ancestors did in the past. But being photogenic doesn’t come naturally to many people. And this doesn’t happen because we don’t look pretty enough. It’s just that there are certain tips you should follow to look great in pictures.

How to Choose the Right Swimsuit for Your Body Shape

When choosing a swimsuit, you might realize that certain models look very different on the body than they do on a mannequin. On some bodies, a swimsuit highlights the advantages, and on others, it looks bad. So, how do you find out what type of swimsuit is good for you?

How to Fix a Dent in a Car

An easy way to fix a dent in your car is with the help of a plunger and boiling water. 5-Minute Crafts will show you exactly how you can do this. Disclaimer: Don’t use hot water when it’s cold outside, as it can damage the clear coat of the car. Instead, try to pull out the dent using only the plunger and, if needed, consult a specialist.

18 Original Tricks to Save Space in Your Travel Luggage

One of the most difficult things about traveling is packing. In most cases, organizing your luggage and getting everything you want to take with you is a nearly impossible mission. However, there are many tricks to make this task easier. 5-Minute Crafts brings you some space-saving ideas that may come in handy if you have to go on a trip. And in the bonus section, you’ll find other useful tips for the journey.