How to Prepare a Car for Winter
During cold weather, a car has to work in quite harsh conditions, like sudden temperature changes, slippery or wet road surfaces, and exposure to chemicals (salt and sand on the roads). In order to be able to fully rely on your vehicle in winter, it’s better to prepare it for cold weather in advance.
Things You Shouldn’t Buy Second-Hand
When you buy second-hand things, you can save quite a bit of money, especially if the previous owner didn’t use the things very often. But you should be careful with some things: they can really disappoint you.
A Guide to Unicellular Organisms
Not all organisms work the same way. There are many creatures in our world whose bodies are just 1 cell.
What the Difference Between Fried and Boiled Eggs Is, and Which Ones Are Healthier
Eggs are one of the most popular food products. They can be used for cooking numerous dishes. Moreover, eggs contain easily digestible proteins, healthy fats, and vitamins.
What an Egg Consists Of
Chicken eggs can be found in almost any fridge. You can quickly make breakfast using eggs, and they are often used in baked goods.
10 Puzzles for Fun Nights With Friends
Puzzles are one way to have a good time with your friends and show off your logic skills. Plus, you’ll be able to give your phones a little bit of rest. That’s why we at 5-Minute Crafts created a collection of puzzles that you can present on paper and make your friends wonder about the answer.
Why Most Prices End in .99
Even though products with prices ending in .99 may seem like a problem when calculating the total cost of a shopping list, they’re actually part of a pricing tactic that goes beyond making us have lots of low-value coins in our wallets. 5-Minute Crafts has prepared a short guide to explain this strategy and show you other interesting selling mechanisms.
What Fruits Continue to Ripen After Picking, and Why This Happens
A bunch of green bananas becomes a bunch of overripe bananas within a couple of days — a situation familiar to many. Why does this happen? The fruits have long been harvested from the tree, but they still continue to ripen.
How Many Calories a Cup of Coffee Has
Today many people can’t imagine their morning without a cup of freshly-made coffee. Some like coffee without additives, others add cream and sugar to it, and others use a vegetable milk. However, the calorie content of this drink can increase several times thanks to additional ingredients.
Types of precipitation
As it’s an integral part of the water cycle, people rely on precipitation to cover various needs, such as drinking, bathing, or crop irrigation. However, this phenomenon may occur in different forms and amounts worldwide, making it difficult to tell the main differences between them. 5-Minute Crafts has prepared this short guide to explain what precipitation is and which type you’re looking at.
How to Tell If Milk Has Gone Bad
While most kinds of milk can be consumed several days past their expiration date, it’s best to consider a few things before drinking expired milk. Because of that, 5-Minute Crafts has created a simple but helpful guide on how to distinguish spoiled milk using your senses.
How to Prepare Coffee in an Italian Coffee Pot
The Italian coffee maker, also known as a “moka pot,” is an easy and economical alternative for brewing intense and full-bodied coffee. However, its improper use can result in a bitter or metallic-tasting beverage. 5-Minute Crafts has prepared a simple guide for how to use this kitchen tool and avoid some common mistakes.
How to Prepare for an Exam
Exams and stress often go hand in hand. To prevent this, it’s best to stay prepared by doing simple things ahead of time. This way, you make sure that you’re confident and ready for anything that turns up on the exam. 5-Minute Crafts came up with several tips to help you get ready for exam day.
What Satiety Value Is
Why do some dishes make us feel full, while others make us want to visit the fridge in just a short period of time? It turns out that different foods have different satiety values. With this knowledge, you can treat your nutrition more consciously.
How to Declutter Your Home
If you own too much stuff and feel like your rooms and drawers are out of control, you’ve probably come to the right place. Besides finding things easier, getting rid of the items you no longer need can lead to different benefits, such as having less to clean and organize. 5-Minute Crafts has prepared this guide to help you discard all those unnecessary objects lying around your house to make your home comfortable again.
How to Organize Your Office to Boost Productivity
It’s estimated that people spend 90,000 hours at work over their lifetime. Because of that, it’s best to keep your workspace surroundings clean and organized to help you work efficiently and be even more productive during your day. 5-Minute Crafts gathered 5 tips that you can easily follow to improve your workflow.
How to Navigate Without a Compass
There are many situations in our lives when the skills of navigation might be necessary. It might be something small, like when we go camping or do something that has to do with survival.
7 Cool Fidget Toys That Will Soothe Your Anxiety Away
Fidget toys can be helpful in so many ways! By ensuring your constant movement, they occupy your brain and stimulate it to focus and concentrate, and work on reducing your stress and anxiety. 5-Minute Crafts has created a special list highlighting cool fidget toys to help you choose the one that will be perfect just for you.
What the Difference Between Ectomorph, Mesomorph, and Endomorph Is
Your body type, also known as somatotype, is related to the theory that each person has a predetermined body structure. According to this approach, there are three different somatotypes: ectomorph, mesomorph, and endomorph, which can allow you to have an idea of how your physiology is working in its current state. 5-Minute Crafts has prepared this short guide to explain the main characteristics of each body type and will help you identify which one is yours.
How to Be Organized at School
It’s common for school and stress to go hand-in-hand, especially during those times when you feel like you have no control over certain things like homework and assignments. But if you just organize, stay focused, and plan ahead of time, better results will come. With that in mind, let 5-Minute Crafts guide you through your student life with these 5 tips to stay organized during school.