5-Minute Crafts
5-Minute Crafts

How to Check Your Pet’s Body Condition

If you’re afraid that your 4-legged friend is getting too thin or too fat, there is a simple way to find out: by looking at their body condition score (BCS). This is a number designated to your pet after assessing fat in certain parts of their body. 5-Minute Crafts has created this article to help you identify the body condition score for dogs and cats and know whether your pet is at its ideal weight. However, keep in mind that if your pet falls into one of the 2 extreme scores, either 1 or 9, they may be in danger and exposed to different health complications. Therefore, it’s advisable to seek professional help as soon as possible.

How to Play With Your Cat

Playing with your cat is not only a fun thing to do, but it’s also very important for their health. Through play, cats are able to express their natural predatory behavior and engage in much-needed physical and mental exercise. In this article, 5-Minute Crafts will show you how to play with your cat, what to look out for, and what some of the best options for playtime are.

What Water to Use for a Fish Tank

Picture this: you bring aquarium fish in a plastic bag with water home, and there is a beautiful tank and a jar of fish food standing on the shelf. The only thing you need to do is fill the tank with water, but it’s very important to know what water you’re going to use.

How to Get Rid of Fleas on Cats and Dogs

A tiny creature like a flea can not only make an animal’s life miserable but the pet owner’s too. After all, fleas leave behind painful, itchy bites and can also be carriers of viruses and bacterial infections. Therefore, if you find these insects on your pet, you need to get rid of them as soon as possible — fleas won’t disappear by themselves.

The Dog Breeds People Often Confuse

We’ve all made mistakes when we tried to guess a breed of a certain dog. And it’s not surprising. Some breeds look very much like each other. For example, even dog experts can’t always tell Alaskan Malamutes from Siberian Huskies.

Why Your Pets Follow You to the Bathroom

The bathroom is arguably the most private room in your household, but if you live with pets, you may be used to having that privacy interrupted by them following you into it. Not all pets do this, as it is dependent on the species, breed, and individual behavior of the animal, but it is still a common occurrence among pet owners. More importantly, this is completely normal for both dogs and cats. 5-Minute Crafts will tell you about the reasons why both dogs and cats like following their owners to the bathroom.

A Guide to Different Types of Butterflies

Butterflies are some of the most beautiful creatures in the world. They belong to a large group of insects called Lepidoptera. This group includes both butterflies and moths. Butterflies are harmless, and they cannot bite or sting; some species can damage plants in your garden, but it’s rare. Their appearance is filled with mystery, symbolism, and meaning. Although there are over 17,000 species, 5-Minute Crafts has prepared this guide to help you identify some butterflies from different parts of the world.

How to Take Care of Homeless Pets

Before picking up an animal from the street, read our article. Here, we’re going to explain in detail how to do this in the best way possible.

What the Difference Between Dolphins, Orcas, and Beluga Whales Is

Dolphins, orcas, and beluga whales look alike due to their belonging to the same infraorder of Cetacea. However, there are significant differences between them that we are going to tell about in this article

A Guide to How Many Hours Different Animals Sleep a Day

Sleep is an important part of almost any living organism’s life. It allows the body to recover and rest, and maintain the health of the body and mind. But if a human needs at least 7 hours of sleep to get a good rest, some animals need much less, or much more — depending on the environment and their lifestyle.

How to Calm a Cat in Heat

If you want your cat to feel comfortable and calm in this difficult period, get acquainted with the tips from our article.

How to Take Care of a Cat: 7 Tips

Having a cat is a lot of fun, but also a big responsibility. Cats are low-maintenance pets compared to dogs, which require companionship, walking, and training, among other things. They do, however, need regular care. 5-Minute Crafts has prepared this set of tips to remind you when you need to take certain actions to help your cat be healthy.

What to Do if a Dangerous Animal Attacks You

There’s always a chance you’ll encounter a wild animal or a group of wild animals when roaming the countryside or swimming in the sea. And in some cases, these things may attack you. To learn how to prevent getting into such trouble and protect yourself if worse comes to worst, read through 5-Minute Crafts’ guide on how to survive if a dangerous animal attacks you. ❗ This article is for information purposes only and doesn’t replace professional advice. So, first and foremost, try staying out of the dangerous situations explained in the article.

Why Cats Hiss

Many people think that if a cat hisses, it’s showing aggression. But is it really so? At 5-Minute Crafts, we decided to find the answer to this question.

How to Choose the Right Toy for Your Dog

Sometimes it’s not that easy to choose the right toys for your beloved dog because there are so many different toys in the shops today.

The Answer to Whether a Pet’s Nose Should Be Wet or Dry

Some of us tend to tell whether a cat or dog is healthy by the condition of their nose. Like, if the nose is cold and wet, then the animal is fine. However, not everything is that simple: there are things that are important to know so as not to draw erroneous conclusions.

Why Polar Bears Have Black Skin

The animal world is wonderful, amazing, and hides many mysteries. For example, not many people know that polar bears actually have black skin. This huge predator possesses unique skills and definitely deserves our attention.

How Llamas Are Different From Alpacas

There are many things, phenomena, and even live creatures in this world that people mix up. For example, we can’t always differentiate bilberries from blueberries, jam from confiture, huskies from malamutes, or llamas from alpacas.

How to Clean a Litterbox

Cats are very clean animals that display an ingrained behavior to bury their waste, hence the importance of a litterbox. Having a dirty or unkempt litterbox is not only an unpleasant experience, but it can also be the cause of health problems for both you and your cat, which means that properly cleaning your cat’s litterbox is of paramount importance. 5-Minute Crafts has prepared this guide to help you understand how to keep your cat’s litterbox clean. ❗ Important: avoid cleaning your cat’s litterbox if you are pregnant or immunocompromised, as you are at risk of several complications stemming from toxoplasmosis, which you can contract from coming into contact with your cat’s waste. Wearing personal protective equipment while cleaning is recommended.

How to Know a Cat’s Age

When we buy a kitten, we know its age. But things are more complicated with animals that are adopted from shelters or picked up on the street. It seems impossible to learn their age, but still, there are some ways we can find out.