5-Minute Crafts
5-Minute Crafts

Why There Are Different Shapes of Pupils and How They Affect Vision

Cats that look like tigers and actual tigers are distant relatives. But look at their eyes: when there’s a lot of light, a cat’s pupils are vertical, whereas a tiger’s pupils are 2 small round dots. If you follow this logic, cats and crocodiles should have something in common, and so should tigers and humans. But is this true?

How to Make Your Cat Trust You

It’s not easy gaining a cat’s trust. However, with a little patience and love, they can become your new best friend. With that in mind, we at 5-Minute Crafts have prepared a guide to help you conquer them in no time.

What the Difference Is Between Crocodiles and Alligators

Few animals are confused more often than crocodiles and alligators. Sometimes it seems that there is no difference between them at all and that they are just the same reptiles. But this isn’t true. There are indeed a few differences between crocodiles and alligators.

How to Trim a Cat’s Nails

If a feline is part of your family, chances are your hands look scratched or your furniture and curtains are frayed. For cats, scratching and sharpening their claws is natural. However, when their nails grow too long, they are prone to break easily, which can lead to fungus and infection. 5-Minute Crafts offers you a guide to trim your cat’s nails. This process is not painful for them, but we recommend you to be patient and very careful. Before you start, it’s necessary to consult a veterinarian about their health condition and specific needs.

How to Read Your Cat’s Eyes

It’s important to know how to identify whether your pet is being aggressive, trusting, and relaxed, as well as other emotions. Since cats communicate a lot with their eyes, we at 5-Minute Crafts have prepared a quick guide to help you read theirs better.

How to Understand Your Cat’s Body Language

It can be tricky to know what cats are feeling. With that in mind, 5-Minute Crafts has prepared a guide that will help you understand yours better.

How to Trim a Dog’s Nails at Home

Sometimes, we can’t get to a professional to trim our dog’s nails. In that case, we might have to do it ourselves at home. While many people avoid this task in fear of hurting the animal or because they don’t know how to do it correctly, it’s something that has to be done every now and then.5-Minute Crafts would like to share a practical guide with tips to inform you about how you can trim your dogs’ nails safely at home. Keep in mind that this article only serves as an introduction to this type of task.

Why Big Creatures Live Longer

There are 4 main reasons why bigger animals live longer than their smaller counterparts, like their size and metabolism, for example. We at 5-Minute Crafts will explain to you exactly why these matter.

What to Do If Your Cats Don’t Get Along Well

Have your kitties started a war for no reason? Did you want to get a friend for your pet but they perceived their new neighbor as a competitor? Whatever situation you have, our article will help you reconcile your fluffy pets.

Why There Are Pockets in Cats’ Ears

Most people that have seen cats have noticed that they have little pockets on their ears. But few people really know what they are for.

Why Cats’ Eyes Glow in the Dark

For a long time, the life of cats has been shrouded in mystery, myth, and superstition. People were frightened by how noiselessly these predators moved, by their secrecy, and their shrewd gaze. But most of all, they were afraid of the ability of cat eyes to glow in the dark with a mysterious light.

7 Foods That Are Toxic for Your Dog

If you’re a canine lover and have one or more furry friends under your care, you need to know that there are certain foods that could be harmful to their health. 5-Minute Crafts offers you a list of foods that your dog should not eat. It’s important that you consult a veterinarian immediately if your pet has consumed any of these products, and also that you ask for a diet according to its clinical history.

How to Make Your Dog Happy

Dogs deserve entertainment as much as we do. Because of that, we at 5-Minute Crafts would like to share a few things you can do that will make your best bud happy.

How to Understand Your Dog Better

Understanding our dog’s behaviors means we’ll get to know them better. With that in mind, we at 5-Minute Crafts will explain to you what some of them mean.

Why Cats Dig in Their Food

If your cat scratches the floor around the food bowl, you may assume that they’re trying to tell you something. That may be so, but you should remember that there are many reasons for such behavior.

Why Cats Like to Tuck Themselves Into Your Bed

Your cat might have a habit of laying with you under the sheets. There’s more than one reason why this happens, and we at 5-Minute Crafts will help you understand all of them.

How to Keep Pets Safe During the Hot Days of Summer

It’s really hard for pets to keep cool when it’s hot. They don’t sweat like people do, so their owners need to make sure that their pets are taking the heat okay. Cats usually feel better during hot days. They actually like lying on hot windowsills. But both cats and dogs might need your help during a heatwave.

What’s the Difference Between African and Asian Elephants

According to the WWF, the population of African elephants is around 415,000 animals, whereas there are less than 50,000 Asian elephants left on Earth. Despite such a tremendous difference, both kinds are under the threat of disappearance due to deforestation and poaching. Maybe, if we knew these animals better, we would pay more attention to them.

How to Know If Your Dog Has Anxiety

It can be hard to identify signs that your dog might be feeling anxious or stressed. With that in mind, we at 5-Minute Crafts have done research to help you with this.

Why So Many Women Adore Horses

There are more women that are horse owners than men. Women tend to like horses a lot, and 5-Minute Crafts will explain why.