5-Minute Crafts
5-Minute Crafts

How to Make a DIY Scratching Post

In order to prevent your cat from tearing up and destroying your furniture, offer it a scratching post as an alternative option. Once you see that your pet has started to scratch at the couch again, try to gently refocus the cat’s attention to another place. You can use associative help like treats to reach your goal. Applying catnip to the scratching post can be another effective solution.

How to Keep Dogs Warm in the Winter

To keep your dog healthy and happy, you must make sure you take special care of them during wintertime. 5-Minute Crafts gives you a few tips to make the cold season warmer and more comfortable for your dog.

How to Stop a Cat From Biting

Many people love to watch their naughty kitten copying an adult predator and trying to scratch and bite their owner. But time passes by and the pet grows up while their habit to fight remains. Some owners tend to explain this bad behavior with the cat’s temper or its instincts.

How to Brush Your Dog’s Teeth

Your pet’s oral health is just as important as yours. Even if it might seem like a hassle, it’s very important that once your puppy develops teeth, he or she needs to get into the habit of cleaning their teeth regularly to avoid any future health problems. 5-Minute Crafts will show you step-by-step how to brush your dog’s teeth. We also wanted to share some useful tips to make the whole process smoother for both you and your dog. ⚠️ Remember you should always check with your vet to see what type of products you need to use to keep your pet healthy. If you own an aggressive dog or one that tends to bite, it’s better to let a professional do it for you.

How to Bathe a Dog

Dogs don’t mind wandering around all dirty and smelly — in fact, they actually like it. That’s why it’s sometimes hard to get them to willingly take a bath. It’s important to show them that activities that involve water can be pleasant, helping them create a positive association. This won’t be that hard to accomplish if you’re well-acquainted with some basic rules and just a few tricks.

How to House Train Your Dog

It takes between 4 to 6 months to get your dog fully trained to go to the bathroom at the right time and place. 5-Minute Crafts has listed things you can teach your dog so it learns how to behave in the most efficient way.

How to Wash a Cat

Cats don’t need to be washed as often as dogs: they basically take care of their own hygiene and lick themselves regularly. But there are situations where pets can’t remove some dirt on their own. Besides, additional help from owners might be necessary for pets who are overweight or who have a disability.

How to Know if Your Cat Is Pregnant

Did you know that a single litter of kittens may contain kittens from different fathers? This is why a cat often gives birth to completely different-looking kittens. But before the little guys see light, they will spend around 9 weeks (63-65 days) in their mother’s belly. And during this period, the mother needs special care.

How to Make a House and a Bed for a Cat With Your Own Hands

Cats sleep for an average of 15 hours a day, and some of them can do it for 20 hours. So it’s no surprise that pet owners want to create suitable sleeping conditions for their four-legged family members. Of course, pets will always find a place where they can spread out their fluffy body, but it’s still better if they have their own personal corner.

How to Put a Harness on a Cat

If you want to walk with a cat or transport your pet, you’ll need a harness. It’ll allow you to control the movement of your pet and prevent the cat from running away and getting lost.

How to Convince Your Parents to Get You a Pet

If you want to have a pet but your parents aren’t on board yet, you may have to take a clever approach. The gist here is to convince your parents by doing your own research and proving that you can take care of a new pet easily. Let 5-Minute Crafts guide you through the entire process below.

How to Litter Train a Kitten

The main things required for litter training kittens are persistence, patience, a bit of awareness, and, of course, lots of pets. We’re better off forgetting pieces of advice that say the animal should have their faces pushed into the place of its spontaneous toilet. These actions won’t lead to anything good and will only destroy their trust in you, turning the kitty against the litter box.

How to Groom a Dog at Home

Regular grooming can help you avoid unpleasant smells and shedding. It’s also a great way to bond with your puppy. 5-Minute Crafts would like to share with you some pieces of advice that will help you trim your dog’s fur in case you can’t get to the groomer.