5-Minute Crafts
5-Minute Crafts

How to Stop a Dog Fight

Dogs fight for several reasons; territory, protection, overstimulation, etc. Many dog owners may not know how to break up fights when their beloved pet is involved. They may take inappropriate or insufficient actions, which, in the end, may result in some undesirable events. Yet, there are so many ways to pull this off successfully. 5-Minute Crafts gathered up some essential tips for you to address a dog fight appropriately and know how to stop one or remove your furry pal from it safely.

How to Clean Your Pet’s Teeth

A healthy mouth is important; that’s why we brush our teeth every day. Our 4-legged friends can benefit from having theirs brushed too, preventing plaque buildup that can sometimes lead to health conditions. 5-Minute Crafts will help you learn the best practices for brushing your pet’s teeth.

How to Discipline a Cat

Cats may exhibit aggressive responses because of their natural predation and instincts. Sometimes, our furry friends may excessively scratch, spray urine around, or meow too much due to some behavioral issues. Therefore, we need to look for solutions to this misbehavior. 5-Minute Crafts rounded up some tips to help you deal with your cat’s new and undesirable behaviors constructively and positively.

A Guide to the Smartest Dog Breeds

Different dogs may be smart in different ways: bloodhounds can follow a week-old scent for over 100 miles and border collies are incredibly talented at doing tricks. And even though dogs are not in the top 10 of the smartest creatures on the planet, they still show incredible abilities for social learning, and they understand human language and moods as well.

The Fastest Runners in the World

When we decide to go for a run, it seems to us that we move relatively fast. Everything around us flickers, and the time it takes us to get from point A to point B is much faster than if we were walking. The Olympic champion Usain Bolt can run at the speed of 27.3 mph. Isn’t that impressive? But it’s hard to even imagine what speeds animals can run if they want to. Even dogs can reach a speed of up to 45 mph.

Which Dog Breeds Require a Summer Cut

Whether a dog should have a summer cut or not depends on its breed. If your pet has a trim it doesn’t need, you may end up disrupting its natural cooling system.

A Guide to Food You Shouldn’t Give to Your Pets

Not all foods are equally good for animals. Some vegetables, fruits, and sweets may cause indigestion in pets and other serious health issues.

What Different Newborn Animals Look Like

Not all newborn animals look the way they do in adulthood. Many of them are born tiny and helpless, deaf, and blind.

Why Do Cats Knead

If you have lived with a cat, you have probably seen them rhythmically push their paws back and forth against a soft surface or object. This is known as kneading, but another popular name for it is making biscuits. All cats are different when it comes to kneading. Some do it faster, some drool, and some cats may not knead at all. There are many reasons why your cat kneads. 5-Minute Crafts will show you what this could mean.

The Smartest Breeds of Cats

Cats are some of the smartest animals in the world. Their intelligence varies depending on the breed and, of course, the specific cat. A cat’s intelligence is estimated based on several criteria, such as how tamable it is, how adaptable it is, how it interacts with other animals, and more.

How to Tell a Raven From a Crow

Common ravens and American crows can be quite difficult to distinguish since they look very similar. However, with a little information and some practice, you can learn how to identify them. 5-Minute Crafts created a guide to help you tell these birds apart by showing you their most telling traits.

A Guide on How to Deal With Your Dog’s Behavioral Problems

Just like humans, different behavioral problems might affect dogs’ lives, and as such, they may lead to some unexpected consequences. Dogs may want to leave the house or get into fights with other animals outside, for example. They may also show some destructive patterns in households, like attempting to bite, chew and damage property, dig holes in the garden, and more. But don’t let your guard down just yet because there are plenty of solutions out there. 5-Minute Crafts rounded up some common dog behavior issues to help you understand why your furry pals do the things they do and how you can deal with it.

How to Introduce Dogs and Cats to Each Other

Many of us share our homes with various kinds of furry friends. Just like humans, the coexistence of different species, like dogs and cats, may cause conflict from time to time. However, when suitable environments and proper training, like obedience training, are provided, and if introduced carefully, cats and dogs can get along, live harmoniously at peace, and even become best friends forever. This is why 5-Minute Crafts has gathered useful tips to show you how to introduce your new cats and dogs to each other carefully.

The Difference Between a Liger and a Tigon

Ligers and tigons are hybrid offspring of a tiger and lion. They partially inherit the characteristics of their parents, but differ from each other.

Why Some Animals Have Horizontal Pupils, While Others Have Vertical

A round shape of pupils helps a person to focus their eyesight evenly. Muscles are arranged in a ring and contract toward the center. However, our pupils cannot narrow as much as animals’.

A Guide to Different Cat Breeds

Cats are probably one of the most popular animals in the world. Their furry coats and cute faces may bring nothing but happiness to your life. So, if you’re looking for a new feline friend but haven’t decided which breed is the most suitable for you, here’s some information you may find useful in your search. 5-Minute Crafts has prepared this guide with the most popular cat breeds and their main features.

How to Help Your Pet in an Emergency

It can be stressful when a pet emergency occurs, and this can lead us to panic. But the most important thing is to try your best to stay calm and assess the situation to help out your furry friend. We at 5-Minute Crafts have a few ways to help you be prepared and help your pet.❗️Important: This article is for information purposes only. Always contact your vet in case of emergency or if your pet has any health problems.

Why Cats Like to Sit in Boxes So Much

Even those who don’t have cats know very well that cats adore boxes. And many of those who have cats have seen the situation where their fluffy pet preferred a package box to a special (and often expensive) cat house.

What the Differences Between the Giant Panda and Other Bears Are

Giant pandas and other bears belong to the same family, but they feature some striking differences. For example, giant pandas eat plants, while brown, black, and other bears eat fruit and meat, for the most part. In this guide, 5-Minute Crafts will point out the main differences between giant pandas and other bears.

How to Tell a Cat’s Age in Human Years

Cats have been the world’s most popular pets for many years. Many of them live a long and happy life with us. Unfortunately, it’s much shorter than human life.