5-Minute Crafts
5-Minute Crafts

Why We Have 5 Fingers

There are many things and phenomena in the world that we tend to take for granted, without thinking about what causes them. For example, not many people know why there are 5 fingers on our hands and feet and not 4 or 6.

We Found the Meaning of These 8 LGBTQ+ Flags to Prepare You for Pride Month

Most of us are familiar with the rainbow flag, the all-encompassing flag for the LGBTQ+ community, but there are many other flags, all with different meanings and beautiful colors that represent the individual situations of people in the community. 5-Minute Crafts will tell you all about this.

A Guide to Partner Dance Styles

Waltz, tango, salsa, and bachata — all of these are pair dances. Each of them has a specific history and meaning. There are many styles and types that are constantly being supplemented with new ones.In this article, 5-Minute Crafts will go into detail about the most popular partner dances, and you might even want to try some of them yourself.

A Guide to Korean Food

When thinking about Korean cuisine, the first thing that comes to mind in most people is kimchi. You might also think of rice, soup, and stew. But in fact, Korean cuisine is much more diverse. It consists of a huge amount of raw and fermented vegetables, seafood, meat, and poultry. All these ingredients create a wide variety of dishes for all tastes.5-Minute Crafts will tell you about popular Korean dishes, so you always know what’s new and interesting to try next time you go to a Korean restaurant.

In South Korea People Compare Animals With Human Faces

Many Koreans tend to compare people’s faces with animals, like cats or foxes. The way that certain facial features align on their faces determines their resemblance to a specific animal. At first, being compared to an animal may seem a little unusual, but the animals these people are compared to are pretty adorable.5-Minute Crafts will describe each type of face in this fun South Korean trend.

How to Expand Your Vocabulary and Learn to Speak Beautifully

Expanding your vocabulary is important only if you can use the new words in your written and spoken language. It’s better to use simple phrases correctly than complex ones incorrectly. And when you want to use a new word, you have to make sure you know exactly what it means.

15+ Artists That Made Truly Unique Things

We all have a talent, and it’s great when we get a chance to develop it, no matter what it is — whether it’s drawing or making stuff.

Why Purple Flags Are So Rare

Although we don’t think too much about the symbolism of country flags, we should know that each national flag has a deep meaning, as it conveys the values, moral virtues, and history of its people. Although some colors are used in flags more than others, like red white, blue, green, and yellow, we almost never see purple present in flags. 5-Minute Crafts is here to help you understand why.

Why We’re So Scared of Spiders

All of us are scared of something, like darkness, heights, or tight spaces. But most people share the same fear: nearly everyone dislikes spiders.

A Guide to Different Types of Garlic

Different people have very different attitudes toward garlic: some hate it because of the odor, and others add it to almost every meal they have. We had no idea that this unique plant has several types.

A Guide on Types of Bridges

A bridge is a construction built for providing passage over an obstacle, such as a pool, valley, or complex road without blocking the way underneath. There are many types of bridges, each of which serves a certain purpose and is applied to different situations. Their construction differs depending on the function of the bridge, the materials for its construction, and the type of terrain the bridge is located on.

A Guide to Different Types of Tulips

Flowers are the main symbol of spring. There are a lot of types, and tulips are among the most popular ones. They come in different colors and first gained popularity in the seventeenth century. Like many other flowers, tulips hold the meaning of true love. There are 75 species in the tulip family. To make it more understandable, 5-Minute Crafts has prepared a simple guide, showing you the different types of tulips.

How Bread Is Made

Even children know the simplest bread recipe. If you mix water and flour, you get dough. You can use dough to make flatbread. But your regular bread from the supermarket has a lot of other ingredients.

How to Tell Ping-Pong and Table Tennis Apart

Table tennis and ping-pong are names that often describe the same game where 2 or 4 players hit a lightweight ball using solid rackets. The game takes place on a table divided by a net. Ping-pong is considered to be an informal name, and some features of ping-pong are different from those of table tennis.

The Difference Between a Sentence and a Phrase

Both native and non-native English speakers use phrases and sentences in common speech since they are commonplace in most languages. That said, we might not always know how to differentiate them — while we know how to use them, we might not know all the rules and names. 5-Minute Crafts will tell you the main differences and categories of these 2 things.

A Guide to Types of Lettuce

Many of us are probably familiar with at least a few types of lettuce — a plant that is irreplaceable on the table. Fresh, crunchy, and beautiful lettuce can liven up even the most ordinary meal.

A Guide on Types of Wind Instruments

The world of music is extremely diverse — one can write numerous books about it and not even describe half of the things connected with it. This diversity relates to musical instruments as well. Piano, guitar, flute, drums — these all are used differently.

How to Understand the Language of Minions and Learn to Speak It

Another name for the Minion language is banana language. The fans call is Minionese. This way of speaking is conlang, meaning that it’s artificial. You’ve probably heard such languages before, like the Klingon language from Star Trek, Ewokese from Star Wars, and a lot of other languages created by the father of the Middle Earth, John Ronald Reuel Tolkien (Khuzdul, Elvian, Entish, and many others).

The Difference Between a Steam Bath and a Sauna

Even though steam baths and saunas are very similar, they are not the same thing. It’s important to know the difference in order not to make a mistake when choosing between them.

Why We Are Ticklish

We’ve all felt ticklish at least once in our lives. It’s hard to describe the sensation and understand why the body reacts to certain types of touch this way.